Photographer Seasons
2013年11月30日 星期六
2010 X-Cape
2013年11月29日 星期五
2013年11月28日 星期四
2008-8 Shot by Peter Ryle
青少年時期的Andrej。 當時還在澳洲發展。
一樣不確定是為了甚麼拍攝? 可能類似像Model Card或是就只是拍攝而已。
2013年11月26日 星期二
20131123《佩岑微時尚》#29 無性別時尚
Andrej Pejic的部分在30:47開始。
2013年11月25日 星期一
2012-3-6 Androdynous Model Rules the Runway
Here is my question to you, the fashion industry is accepting of someone who can look like both a beautiful man and a fabulous women, why can't regular society do the same? Why can't we accept everyone for who they are? I can't tell you how many times I have been walking and there is clearly a many in the middle of transition and someone around me has to say something. Let this person be who they want to be. Why would we judge, we don't judge that Fashion Magazine has put a man on the cover dressed as a women. In fact I find in liberating knowing that a Canadian magazine did this, it makes me yet again proud to be Canadian. What do you think?
2012-10-7 Dinner & Drinks with Andrej Pejic
Andrej Pejic ile Cuma akşamı Ulus 29'da çok keyifli bir akşam yemeği ve yemek sonrası içki için buluştuk. O kadar güzel ki konuşurken yüzüne fazla bakamıyorsunuz! Gelir gelmez Suada'da kebap yemiş ve çok beğenmiş. O akşam da bol bol Türk tatlılarından tattı. Kadayıf favorisi oldu. Ertesi günkü Kapalıçarşı turuna Galatasaray maçı sebebiyle katılamadım ancak gitmeden son bir kez daha buluşuyor olacağız.
We met with Andrej Pejic for a lovely dinner and drinks at Ulus 29 this Friday. She is way too beautiful, you cannot stare at her for a long while! Heard she went to eat "kebab" at Suada and loved it. Another local thing she tried and loved was "kadayıf" that night. On Saturday, she visited the Grand Bazaar but as there was the Galatasaray game, I could not make it to the sightseeing fun with her. Anyways, we will meet up before she goes back home. We will miss you Andrej, you should come back to Istanbul!
Andrej ve Boğaz manzarası, tshirt'ü ise favorim. /Andrej with the Bosphorus view, that tee is my fave!
Andrej, canım Özlem Erçağlar ve ben / Andrej, my beloved Ozlem Ercaglar and me
Thank you for the beautiful pics!
2013年11月24日 星期日
2012-5 Male Model Dons Wedding Gown, Upstages All Brides ✍
As if landing a push-up bra campaign(代言調整型內衣),出現在各個雜誌封面並且成為FHM2011年的性感女性之一是不夠的,Andrej Pejic化身成一位羞怯的新娘,這更進一部證明他(或 hen,如果我們使用瑞典的新性別中立代名詞)依舊是時尚界性別裝扮的寵兒。
Also, how beautiful is this wedding dress?! It defies the usual pitfalls that befall most wedding gowns—the ability to turn women into cupcakes. Despite the traditional tulle and feminine lace, Andre looks more marvelous than meringue.
此外,這是多麼美的婚紗?! 這與多數會把新娘變成一座大型蛋糕的婚紗不同,盡管仍有傳統的薄紗和蕾絲,Andrej看起來比meringue(形容裙襬繁複、蓬鬆的婚紗)更迷人。
photo source: FameFlynet
2012-2-29 Andrej Pejic is considering a lead role in a French feature film
Arnaud Vanbleus, Pejic's Paris agent at the New Madison model agency, tells frockwriter that Pejic has been approached by - and has subsequently met with - French director Florence Dewavrin, who is developing a feature based on French writer Honoré de Balzac's novel Séraphita.
Pejic is earmarked for the lead role.
Published in 1834 - and recently adapted for the Paris stage by Ouriel Zohar - Balzac's classic is set in Norway and tells the story of an androgynous youth of great physical beauty, who goes by the names of both Séraphitus and Séraphita. Perfect casting in other words.
Nothing is yet set in stone but yes, Pejic is interested reports Vanbleus, who is currently fielding "tonnes" of requests in France for his star model.
"He's a phenomenon, that’s for sure - and he's unique, there is only one" says Vanbleus. "Everyone wants to have him. But the thing usually is, they either don’t have the budget or we’re not interested in the project".
2012-3-27 Andrej Pejic Talks JPG & Movies
Andrej Pejic shed just a little bit of light recently on his upcoming Jean Paul Gaultier campaign. Of the highly anticipated campaign, the model simply said: "expect sex." He also shot down the rumors that he is currently starring in a movie. "At the moment I've had a lot of offers, but I haven't chosen anything concrete yet," he admitted. "I'm just waiting for the right role. I don't think I could do any role. I think it has to be something that reflects me in some way."
Tuesday, March 27 2012
2012-2-27 Andrej just blends into the crowd at Spice Market ✍
International model Andrej Pejic at Spice Market. Source: Supplied
HE may be turning heads globally as an androgynous supermodel, but at home Andrej Pejic is simply one of the gang.
Pejic blended in with the crowd last Thursday night at Melbourne hotspot Spice Market, partying with a group of old school pals after a low-key week at home with his mum in Broadmeadows.
The striking blond matched his gal pals' flirty dresses by wearing a sheer black skirt and cut off top.
A friend said Andrej was thrilled his international notoriety had not changed his home-grown friendships.
Pejic, who flew home to New York on Saturday, will be the face of a campaign for Jean Paul Gaultier's new fragrance later this year.
他或許是全球最引人注目的雌雄同體模特,但回到家的他 就只是一個團體裡的一員。
在上周四的晚上,Pejic出現在墨爾本的知名餐廳Spice Market,他就置身在人群中與他的老朋友相聚。之後與他媽媽在Broadmeadows度過低調的一周。
Pejic上周六回到紐約,他將競爭在今年年底Jean Paul Gaultier的香水廣告新臉孔。
2011-12-19 Bosna, lijepa kao Andrej Pejić
U toj prvoj
generaciji, među poštarima ili, možda, bibliotekarima, toga se teško sjetiti, a
za priču nije ni pretjerano važno, bio je neki Milan. Fizički lijep dečko, ali
samo dok stoji, ne miče se i ne progovara. Damskih kretnji, koje bi, kada se
iznervira, a najčešće je bio nervozan, jer se školska većina svojski trudila da
ga iznervira, bivale još ženskije. Sav histeričan i razmahan, prolazio je
hodnicima, družio se samo s ono nekoliko djevojaka koje ga, u skladu s općim
stavom, nisu izbjegavale, a govorio je glasno, tako da ga se uvijek čulo s
kraja na kraj škole. Glas mu je bio mutiran, dubok kao i u ostalih dječaka, ali
svejedno je govorio kao žensko. Zvali su ga Milanče, a on je na taj nadimak,
podsmješljiviji nego što nam se učini kada ga danas izgovaramo, na kraju i
pristao, srodio se s njim, i valjda ga nitko, osim unezgođenih profesora, više
i nije zvao drukčije.
Nisam mu dobacivao.
Nikada nisam sudjelovao u kolektivnim ceremonijalima Milančetovog
zlostavljanja. Pravo govoreći, kada bi on naišao, gledao sam u drugom pravcu.
Nisam ga poznavao, nikad ga u životu nisam pozdravio. I ne znam što mi je bilo
neugodnije: slušati ih kako ga po hodnicima dozivaju, iskrivljenih ženskastih
glasova, dobacuju šale na njegov račun, ili ga, u vrijeme gužvi, kada se za
velikog odmora cijela smjena stušti niz stepenice, pa prema izlazu, hvataju za
stražnjicu ili za spolovilo, i onda mu se muškarčine rugaju ili ga zvjerski
stegnu za testise, sve dok se ne rasplače, ili mi je veću nelagodu stvarao on
sam, kada bi veseo i sretan, nakon što ga svi ostave na miru, ćeretao sa svojim
drugaricama i nečemu se veselio. Izbjegavao sam Milančeta i sve što je imalo
bilo kakve veze s Milančetom. U te četiri godine nisam imao ama baš ništa sa
zlostavljanjem tog dječaka. Jednako kao što prosječan Sarajlija ili Zagrepčanin
u vrijeme Drugoga svjetskog rata nije imao baš ništa sa zlostavljanjem svojih
susjeda Jevreja ili Srba.
Nakon što smo se, u
lipnju 1984., razišli svatko na svoju stranu, u skladu sa školskim usmjerenjima
i životnim putanjama, Milančeta više nikada nisam sreo. Da jesam, sigurno bih
ga prepoznao. Po kretnjama i po govoru. Ali on mi je, za čudo,češće padao na
pamet od mnogih koje sam poznavao, s kojima sam se družio i u međuvremenu im
pozaboravljao imena i lica. Ili bi mi se javio kroz neku sitnu grižnju
savjesti, ili bi me na njega podsjetio neki sličan mladić, feminiziran,ženstven
i izgubljen među svijetom koji se lako razgnjevi pred muškomženstvenošću.
Naravno, sjećao sam ga se i s onom istom nelagodom, koja je, vjerojatno, nalik
tom kolektivnom gnjevu, samo je manjeg intenziteta, kao što su i naši
pristojni, prosječni sugrađani u Drugome svjetskom ratu prema svojim
manjinskim, ugroženim susjedima gajili osjećaje nižeg intenziteta.
Početkom rata, često
sam razmišljao što li je, Bože, sa svim tim bibliotekarima, arhivarima i
poštarima, onima koji su imali srpska imena i prezimena. Mora biti da sad neki
od njih sjede na Trebeviću uz topove i minobacače. Ili su, barem, izvan obruča,
a prema nama koji smo u obruču osjećaju emocije nižeg intenziteta. Tako mi je
ponovo na um pao i Milanče. Znao sam da on sigurno ne puca po nama. I nekako
sam mu bio zahvalan. Njegovi životni interesi, kao i njegove muke s društvenom
većinom, koje god nacije bila većina, takve su da Milanče ne puca. Premda smo
mu, koje god nacije bili, i mi u obruču, i oni izvan obruča, činili zlo. Takvo
zlo kakvo se u životu teško preboli i kakvo ja, da sam bio na njegovome mjestu,
ne bih prebolio. Eto, recimo to kada te neki majmun, usred školske gužve, ščepa
za muda i stišće dok se ne rasplačeš. Kakoživjeti među takvim svijetom? Tako
što ćeš svoje pokrete učiniti uglatijim, više nalik kretnjama robota, ne bi li
bili muškiji?
Ne znam šta je bilo s
Milančetom, nisam više za njega čuo.
Ali sjetim ga se zadnjih mjeseci, kad god u novinama ili na televiziji vidim fotografiju Andreja Pejića. Da je naša povijest bila drukčija, da smo kao društvo bili bolje sreće, Andrej Pejić bi negdje u Tuzli, Sarajevu, Zagrebu ili Beogradu danas, vjerojatno, proživljavao iste stvari kao Milanče. Ali kako je krenulo po zlu i kako se zaratilo (Andrej je, ustvari, ratno dijete, rođen je 28. kolovoza 1991.), najprije je s majkom i bratom dopao izbjeglištva u Beogradu, gdje suživjeli po prihvatnim centrima, a zatim su, nakon NATO-vog bombardiranja Srbije, emigrirali u Australiju. Kolektivna nesreća i potpuni raspad svijeta iz kojeg je potekao, odveli su Andreja Pejića na jedno od onih užasno udaljenih mjesta zemaljskoga šara na kojima, tako se barem priča, nije važno koje si vjere, nacije i boje kože, jesi li muško ili si žensko, ili si od svega toga pomalo i sve to zajedno. Da nije bilo rata Andrej Pejić danas ne bi bio ono što jest. Teško je zamisliti, uza svu i najpitomiju maštu, da je mogla postojati takva Bosna i Hercegovina, ili takva Jugoslavija, u kojoj bi i Andrej Pejić bio sretan.
Sve važno o njemu danas saznajemo s fotografija i iz reklamnih kampanji u kojima je sudjelovao. U posljednjoj je, čitamo i gledamo, reklamirao push up grudnjak. To bi, takva su društvena pravila i običaji, trebalo biti skandalozno. Ali nije. Po našim novinama i na web portalima često objavljuju Andrejeve slike. One bi, takva su većinska pravila i običaji, trebale biti bizarne i groteskne. Ali nisu. Andrej bi za većinski svijet, svejedno koje nacije, trebao biti odbojan, odvratan, bolestan... Ali nije ni to.
Andrej Pejićje tako lijep, nepodnošljivo lijep, da pred njegovom ljepotom pomalo ustuknu i oni manijaci, perverznjaci, fašisti, gadovi i nacionalno te vjerski osviješteni pučani s anonimnih foruma ispod njegovih fotografija. Napišu da im je odvratan, nazovu ga pederom, ali tem su najčešće u manjini, tem im je i pomalo neugodno. Vjerovat ćemo da je razlog u njegovoj ljepoti. A što bi u takvoj ljepoti trebalo biti odvratno?
Od svega što se od Bosne u posljednjih dvadeset godina svijetom rasulo, Andrej Pejić je danas, možda, najneobičniji. Ako ljepota može biti šokantna, a izgleda da i to može, ukoliko društvena većina na osnovu svojih navada i običaja zaključi da se ljepota uvrgla i zatekla na krivome mjestu, tada je Andrej šokantno lijep. Pritom, danas je on planetarno najslavniji Bosanac. Od njega su slavniji samo bosanski ratni zločinci, ali i to - možda jedan ili dvojica njih. Svi drugi, nogometaši, košarkaši, filmski i kazališni režiseri, političari, književnici, glumice i glumci, manje su od njega u svijetu slavni i manje su, po onome što rade i što jesu, nad tim svijetom izdignuti. Ali svejedno, nigdje da pročitaškako se netko po Bosni i Hercegovini ponosi Andrejem Pejićem, ni time što se jedan takav rodio tu gdje i mi ostali, i što nam je činjenicom svoga rođenja u svakome smislu dao na važnosti. Ne samo to, nego niti se Hrvati otimaju za njega što je po ocu Hrvat, niti bi ga Srbi sebi jer je po majci Srbin.
I tako je Andrej, a da mu to, bit će, nikada i nije bilo na umu, izbjegao da bude jedan od nas. Je li što time izgubio?
Andrej Pejićjedna je metafora Bosne. One Bosne koja postoji kao lijepa misao, slika ili uspomena na nešto što, možda, nikada nije postojalo na način na koji biva u uspomeni. Milijuni ljudi su poslije Drugoga svjetskog rata imali svoje bosne, kojih više nema, niti će ih ikada biti. Jedni su bili protjerani i više se nisu mogli vratiti, a drugi se nisu imali kamo vratiti, jer nije bilo ni Galicije, ni malih gradova po Galiciji. Europa je bila, u sjećanjima i uspomenama, sačinjena od isključivo takvih, nepostojećih, nestvarnih zemalja. I danas jošima živih po Americi ili Kanadi, čije su domovine sačinjene od uspomena na nešto što se nije dogodilo. Andrej Pejić je utjelovljenje jedne takve uspomene, i njezine - što bi se u turističkim vodičima reklo - nedirnute ljepote.
Bosnia, as beautiful as Andrej Pejic
The school is now called "revolutionary and folk hero of the First High School." This is no longer a grammar school, but students are educated for some odd jobs, which in life probably will not deal with: librarians, archivists, assistant translators from Turkish and Arabic, Greek and Latin, as well as an elite profession, in which nobody ever will not hire - the organizers of cultural activities. The only one who went to school for something concrete were postmen, postal or telegraph operators, as their interest was known professionally. Whether it is the most represented, of course, the lowest caste in the hierarchy that was establishing from the very first day. Of course, they establish the students themselves, and in vain was all professorial effort to re-establish a school on the principles of brotherhood and equality, that is, at least in their beautiful memories, functioned until it was high school.
In the first generation, including letter carriers, or, perhaps, librarians, it is difficult to remember, but the story is not overly important, it was a Milan. Physical nice guy, but just standing there, not moving and not speak. Damskih movement, which, when iznervira, and usually was nervous, because most of the school tried to be genuinely anxious iznervira, is still ženskije. All the hysterical and flamboyant, it passed the hallways, socialized only with the few girls that it, in accordance with the general attitude, not avoided, and spoke loudly, so that it is still heard from one end of the school. His voice was mutated, deep as in other boys, but it is still spoken as a female. They called him Milanče, and he was on that nickname, podsmješljiviji than we can do when we say it today, finally consented, srodio with him, and probably no one, except unezgođenih professors, more is not called otherwise.
I did not shouted. I have never participated in collective ceremonial Milančetovog abuse. The right of speaking, when he came, I looked in another direction. I never knew him, he never in my life have I welcomed. I do not know what I was uncomfortable: they listen to him in the hallways calling, distorted mincing votes, heckles jokes at his expense, or, at the time of congestion, when the whole rest of the large shifts stušti down the stairs and towards the exit, catch the buttocks or genitals, and then the he-men, or mock it savagely tightened the testicles, until you cry, or had greater discomfort created by him, when he pleased and happy after being left all alone, with ćeretao his comrades and we will not rejoiced. I avoided Milančeta and everything that had anything to do with Milančetom. In the four years I had absolutely nothing to do with abusing the boy. Just as the average citizens of Sarajevo or Zagreb resident at the time of the Second World War had nothing to abuse their neighbors of the Jews or the Serbs.
Once we are in June 1984th, everyone dispersed to their side, in accordance with school orientations and life trajectories, Milančeta I have never met. Yes I did, I would definitely recognize him. By gestures and speech. But he told me, strangely, often falling on the minds of many that I knew that I hung out in the meantime they pozaboravljao names and faces. Or should we be contacted through a small remorse, or would it reminded me of a similar young, feminine, feminine and lost amongst the world that are easy to angry male femininity. Of course, I remember it is the same one embarrassment, which, probably, like the collective anger, only a lower intensity, as well as our courteous, average citizens in the Second World War by their minority, threatened neighbors harbored feelings of low intensity.
At the beginning of the war, I have often pondered what it was, my God, with all these librarians, archivists, and letter carriers, those who have Serbian names. It must be sad that some of them sitting on Trebević with guns and mortars. Or, at least, outside the ring, and for us that we feel emotions in a ring of lower intensity. So I fell back on the mind and Milanče. I knew that he certainly does not shoot at us. And somehow I was grateful to him. Its vital interests, as well as his passion with the social majority, whichever was most nations, such as that Milanče not shoot. Even though we told him, whatever the nation were, and we in the ring, and those outside the circle, I did wrong. This kind of evil is hard to get over in life and what I do, that I was in its place, I would not have gotten over. Well, let's say you and a monkey in the middle school crowd, grab the balls and squeeze until rasplačeš. How to live in such a world? So what will you do your movements uglatijim, more robot-like movements, would not be masculine?
I do not know what happened to Milančetom, I heard more of him.
Angie Masako Kitagawa Andrej
But remember it can last months, whenever the newspapers or see on television, photography Andreja Pejic. That our history had been different, that we as a society had better luck, Andrej Pejic somewhere in Tuzla, Sarajevo, Zagreb or Belgrade today, probably going through the same things as Milanče. But that went wrong and how they went to war (Andrej is, in fact, war child, was born August 28, 1991.), First with her mother and brother liked refuge in Belgrade, where they lived in collective centers, and then, After the NATO bombing of Serbia, immigrated to Australia. Collective accident and complete disintegration of the world from which it originated, was taken to Andreja Pejic at one of those terribly distant places of the earth on which markings, or at least the story, no matter what you religion, ethnicity and skin color, are you male or female, Or are you just that little bit of everything together. Had it not been for the war Andrej Pejic would not be what it is. It's hard to imagine, with all the najpitomiju imagination, it could be such a Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, or such, which would Andrej Pejic was happy.
Everything important about him today, we learn from the photographs and the advertising campaign in which he participated. In the final, reading and watching, advertised push up bra. It would, therefore, are social rules and customs, should be scandalous. But it is not. According to our newspapers and web portals are often published Andreev picture. One would, therefore, are the majority rules and customs, should be a bizarre and grotesque. But they did not. Andrej the majority of the world, no matter which nation should be repulsive, disgusting, sick ... But not even that.
Andrej Pejic is so beautiful, impossibly handsome, to the beauty of his little back, and they are maniacs, perverts, fascists, Gad, and national and religious minded folk with anonymous forums below his photo. Write to them was nauseating, call him a fag, but tem are usually in the minority, their tem is a bit annoying. We believe that the reason for its beauty. And what would such beauty should be an abomination?
From everything from Bosnia in the last twenty years the world of decadence, Andrej Pejic is today perhaps the most unusual. If beauty can be shocking, but it seems that it may, if the majority of society on the basis of their habits and customs finds that the beauty and resorted caught in the wrong place, then Andrej shockingly beautiful. In doing so, has been on the planet's most famous Bosnian. From him the only famous Bosnian war criminals, but it - maybe one or two of them. All other players, footballers, basketball players, film and theater directors, politicians, writers, actors and actresses, are less than him in the world famous and the less, by what they do and what they are, over the world rise. But anyway, anywhere to read that someone was in Bosnia and Herzegovina boasts Andrej Pejic, nor by one that was born here, where the rest of us, and what the fact of his birth in any sense given its importance. Not only that, but neither the Croats have begun to take for him as the father of a Croat, Serb, nor would it himself because his mother was a Serb.
So Andrei, and that to him, will, and never was in mind to avoid being one of us. Is it time lost?
Andrej Pejic is a metaphor for Bosnia. One of which is a nice thought, image or memory of something that perhaps never existed in the way that happens in the memory. Millions of people after World War II had their ange, which is no more, nor will it ever be. Some were expelled and more unable to return, while others had nowhere to return, because there was no Galicia, even small towns in Galicia. Europe was, in the recollections and memories, made up exclusively of these, non-existent, unreal country. Even today there are still living in America or Canada, whose country made up of memories of what happened. Andrej Pejic is the embodiment of such memories, and her - what would be the tour guides say - unspoiled beauty.
2013年11月23日 星期六
2011-8-28 世界上最美的男孩
很多時候,就像在拉法耶特大街上一樣,遇到把自己誤當作女性的崇拜者時,佩芝一般不會主動澄清,這部分是因為他知道這是個美麗的錯誤。當他初次踏進家鄉墨爾本的C hadw ick經紀公司,人們告訴他,在相對男性的澳大利亞市場,他不太可能找到多少工作機會:他長相過於漂亮,不適合從事傳統的男性工作,但他又不真的是一名女性。第二年,佩芝高中畢業,搬到倫敦,那雌雄同體的極端氣質甚至讓他很難找到一名英國經紀人。
在並不要求男模那麼有陽剛氣概的歐洲時尚界,佩芝找到了一些工作,但他沒有成為這一行裡炙手可熱的紅人,直到法語版《V ogue》雜誌時任主編卡琳·羅伊特菲爾德決定在拍片時給他穿上女裝。"卡琳·羅伊特菲爾德很簡潔,直接說:‘給他穿Fendi(芬迪,著名女裝品牌)!'"佩芝說,"我的經紀公司問我對這樣的安排是否覺得不適,但我從很小時就穿裙子,所以我的反應是‘當然沒問題。'"
從此之後,"我非常職業化地開放自己的性別,為詮釋藝術而服務,"他說。去年,他參加了讓·保羅·戈爾捷(JeanPaulG aultier,他認為佩芝有種"出塵之美")男裝和女裝秀中,在2011年的春裝秀裡,他是壓軸的"新娘"。在今年2月的紐約時裝周中,他參加了5場男裝秀、4場女裝秀。即使是在男裝秀中,加里亞諾(Joh nG alliano)也給他穿上了一件"用料極簡的吊帶衫",戈爾捷則把他打扮成貝蒂·卡特魯(Betty
不久前一個星期六的下午,佩芝邀請我前往曼哈頓T ribeca一棟漂亮的公寓樓,看他拍片。我們進入房間時,光線從陽臺那邊照進來,曼哈頓南端景觀一覽無餘。這次拍攝的導演是拉什卡·伯格曼(Ru s h k aB ergm an),她創意十足,曾經是邁克爾·傑克遜的造型設計師。此時她戴著大如茶碟的墨鏡,正在跟化妝師商量什麼,另外一名身著皮衣的男模則懶洋洋地晃來晃去,偶爾撓撓胸毛。音樂響起,助手們竄來竄去,佩芝迅速開始做頭髮、化妝。
哪怕對一個不太自負的女性來說,跟佩芝待在一起都有壓力,仿佛在一場跑步比賽中輸給了一個根本沒有動彈的人。倘若不是男人,佩芝絕對是我見過的最為美麗的女性,他的皮膚完美無瑕,吹彈可破,還有著英格蘭玫瑰般的光彩。他那亂亂的金髮和圓潤的頰骨讓人想到年輕時的碧姬·芭鐸。19歲的他身高六英尺一英寸,身材苗條如油畫筆那清淡的一抹,而腳很小,只能穿女款11碼的鞋---他說,這樣的鞋在高級女裝店比較難找,反而有時可以在D SW鞋店發現。他魅力超凡,但並不浮豔,外表上的唯一缺陷是兩粒痣,優雅地點綴於右邊唇角上方。有時攝影師會把照片上這兩粒痣PS掉,但這種情況並不多。
波黑戰爭開打前數月,佩芝出生於波士尼亞塔茲拉一個中產家庭---他母親來自塞爾維亞,是一名律師,父親來自克羅埃西亞,是位經濟學家。因為出身關係,他們在這場地區衝突中各站一邊。當媽媽賈德蘭卡帶著佩芝和他的哥哥伊戈爾逃出塞爾維亞時,父親卻留在了家裡。佩芝8歲時,全家獲得了難民身份,賈德蘭卡帶著母親和兩個孩子前往墨爾本,落腳於工薪階層聚居的布羅德梅多斯區(Broadm eadow s)。"我當時的態度是,‘如果給我買個新遊戲機我就去,'"佩芝回憶說"那個年齡你只會這麼想。"
佩芝起初擔心家裡人會怎麼想,但很快發現自己多慮了。伊戈爾對一個越來越像妹妹的弟弟採取保護態度。至於母親和祖母,佩芝說,"兩人都會為兒孫付出一切,所以對她們來說,對一件自然而然的事情採取排斥態度是非常奇怪的。"母親主要擔心他的安全,但佩芝就讀的那所高中以藝術家派頭和先鋒聞名(歌手奧莉薇亞·紐頓·約翰是他們的校友),而且他成績很好,這為他贏得了肯定。至於在其他地方,事情就更簡單了,他直接扮成女孩就行了。"散步時根本沒人注意到,"佩芝說,"這算是我小小的逃脫術。"他目前取得的成功令家人感到驕傲:"媽媽追看關於我的一切報導,把它們貼到Facebook上,並對她的朋友廣而告之。"看見兒子穿著G aultier新娘裝的照片時,賈德蘭卡告訴澳大利亞電視節目《SundayN ight》:"在我所見過的穿婚紗的女孩中,他是最美的。"
pril A shley)被發現其實是位變性人時,她的事業一落千丈。此後,那些化身為女模的男人們身上普遍有種展示的意味:不管是特麗·托伊(Teri Toye)、康妮·戈爾(Connie G irl),還是波普藝術家安迪·沃霍的"變性繆斯"坎迪·達琳(CandyD arlin,),都普遍有種"我們了不起,去他媽的"那種感覺。但在佩芝看來,她們的先鋒性沒有那麼強,因為它會更吸引人們對性別的關注,而不是超越它。而現在他和其他跨性別模特---如Lea T---所做的,是完全跨越性別議題。他們不僅裝扮成女性,甚至成為更理想的女模樣本---時尚界一直致力於打造無臀無曲線的"衣服架子"。設計師可以使用他們,自覺很前衛,同時又不會覺得自己挑戰了美學標準。"我認為這是中性風首次成為主流,"時尚網站L ookbooks.com主編卡特爾·斯巴克斯說,"對此我不再持有嘲弄心態,普通白人美女的時代已經過去,要不她們得加把油。"
幾天前,佩芝在詹姆斯酒店參加了一個派對,迎接他的是一陣花香,還有坎達爾·沃茨,她是D N A模特管理公司的經紀人之一,這家公司將佩芝引入美國時尚界,簽協議前甚至連他本人都沒見過。沃茨說,佩芝第一次出現在經紀公司時,全身穿黑,配一件G aultier小夾克,夾克極其緊身,好像繈褓一樣裹著他。"給人感覺就是,紐約女性就應該穿成這樣,"沃茨說,"門一打開,所有人都驚豔,‘噢,天哪,他就是一切。'"
儘管沒人知道詹姆斯酒店這場派對為何而開,但它的確是場盛事。服務生端著香檳和開胃薄餅穿梭來往,一群攝影師和記者擠在入口和露臺各處,拍那些進進出出的名流。在這浮華的場景中,佩芝嘟著嘴唇,眯著風情萬種的雙眼,享受著一切。"我喜歡派對,"他告訴我,"非常放得開的派對。在我這種年齡,這很合適。"在吧台前,他被介紹給D N A另外一名男模,後者上上下下地打量著他。
ossier》用不透明塑膠裹起來出售,因為雜誌封面登著佩芝赤裸上身的照片,書店擔心顧客會誤認為那是女性的露點照。《FH M男人幫》發起全球百大性感美女選舉,佩芝受到讀者青睞,位列第98位,但雜誌在文章中稱他是"東西",引起抗議,最後只好公開發表聲明道歉。不過這些爭議只是增加了佩芝的知名度,讓他的事業更加紅火。"我總是招來話題,"他說,"我整個生活就是一個爭議,就像小甜甜布蘭妮一樣。我能怎麼辦呢?"
2006-11-23 Australia: Socialist Equality Party holds successful election meeting in Broadmeadows
Marshall told the audience that the SEP was the only
party directly addressing the most crucial questions facing the working class
and young people. He said there was broad agreement in Broadmeadows with the
SEP's demands for the immediate withdrawal of all foreign troops from Iraq and
Afghanistan, reflecting the sentiments of working people everywhere. Yet all
the candidates and the media were refusing to mention the issue.
"In defending the so-called war on terror," he said,
"Labor fully supports the occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan and Australia's
neo-colonial interventions in the Pacific. State premier [Steve] Bracks has
left the running to federal Labor leader Kim Beazley, who backs the US
occupation of Iraq. Purely for tactical reasons, he now wants Australian troops
redeployed to Afghanistan and the Pacific region."
Marshall also took aim at the Greens party, which expects
to capitalise on the widespread disaffection with the two major parties. He
explained that while the Greens postured as opponents of Liberal and Labor,
they were not a genuine antiwar party. Their record in government in Tasmania
and internationally, he said, demonstrated that they defended the profit system
and its assault on the social position of the working class.
The SEP candidate outlined the party's socialist policies
and encouraged those present to actively participate in the final few days of
the campaign. "The SEP is the only party defending the working class. In
opposition to all other parties, we start from human need, not the dictates of the
capitalist market and private profit," he said.
SEP national secretary and member of the International
Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site, Nick Beams, focussed
his remarks on the crucial political lessons that had to be drawn by all those
opposed to the war in Iraq. He drew attention to the fact that while the recent
US Congressional elections had been a vote against the continued US occupation
of Iraq, the Democrats, who now controlled both houses of Congress, were
collaborating ever more closely with the Bush administration.
Beams warned that the US administration was not only
preparing to increase US troop numbers in Iraq, but planning for an attack, if
not an invasion, on neighbouring Iran. He pointed out that militarism was not
simply the product of Bush and other individuals, but arose from the explosive
implications of the declining position of American capitalism within the world
capitalist order.
"How is the fight against war to be waged?" Beams asked.
"It can only be undertaken on the basis of a program that strikes at the very
cause of war itself-the international capitalist system. A global economy
organised on the basis of private profit and rival nation-states means that the
struggle for markets, for profits, for raw materials, for spheres of influence,
will inevitably, at a certain point, give rise to military conflict with the
most disastrous consequences for humanity."
Beams also addressed the related question of how to
combat the escalating environmental disaster and the unrelenting assault on
jobs and living standards confronting working people around the world.
After an online demonstration of the World Socialist
Web Site and a collection of more than $1,000 for the SEP's election fund,
there was no shortage of questions and comments. Audience members spoke about
their own varied and often bitter experiences of war, of the treachery of
various organisations in their countries of origin and of the steadily
worsening conditions facing workers around the world.
Marshall explained that while millions protested in 2003,
the demonstrations were directed towards pressuring the UN and the powers that
be. "We are fighting," he said, "to ensure that the next mass movement of the
working class will be guided by an international socialist perspective, that
workers will understand that this war arises not just because Bush is a war
criminal, but because US imperialism is in crisis and is attempting to resolve
that crisis by establishing its hegemony over the world and its resources.
"To put an end to militarism, workers must consciously
participate in the development of an international movement aimed at ending
capitalism, the system that produces this barbarity."
Nick Beams told the audience that behind the simple
demand for the withdrawal of troops were bigger questions. "How can it be done?
It won't happen through protests or the electoral system-this was shown in the
mass protests in 2003 and the recent elections in the US," he said.
"The fact that millions want the withdrawal of troops and
yet these demands are ignored means that there is something fundamentally
rotten with the whole political system. To get the troops out and end the war
poses the necessity of changing the entire economic and political order, which
is based on the division of the world into rival nation states."
A Turkish worker asked how the SEP would deal with the
Howard government's terror scares and its racist campaigns against Muslims.
Beams explained that governments around the world were
using these methods to divide working people and to divert attention from
rising militarism and growing social inequality. He referred to last year's
race riot in Cronulla, Sydney, and explained that a recent report revealed that
this had been deliberately whipped up by sections of the media.
"We will shortly be publishing a detailed analysis of the
race riot that took place in Sydney at Cronulla. And interestingly this will be
based on the document produced by the police themselves. They have made some
interesting admissions in it and that is probably why there has been such a
furore about publishing it.
"One thing that is established-and this is true of all
pogroms, which this was-is that the riots did not arise spontaneously. The
police said there was not any particular racial tension in Cronulla until it
was fanned by the shock jocks-Allan Jones in particular. The police report
includes hundreds of pages of what was said to create the situation.
"We counter this type of filth by explaining that the
working class has no fatherland. It is one international class. Racism is going
to be cleared away by opposing all forms of nationalism and racism, and that
has to be imbued in the working class. If women want to wear veils then let
them do so. Claims that this is a threat to the social order are nonsense. What
is also interesting is the language used by those forces who stoked up the
tensions, like ‘cleaning the suburbs', ‘cleaning the streets'. They use the
same language that Hitler used against the Jews. They simply replace ‘Jew' with
‘Moslem.'" Beams said.
The discussion extended long after the meeting formally
ended. Some of those in attendance had already offered their assistance by
distributing the SEP's election manifestos and leaflets in the area. Others
decided to join the campaign after coming to the meeting. Several participants
spoke to the WSWS.
Andrej Pejic, 15, a secondary student at University High School
had contacted the WSWS after discovering that Marshall was standing for
"The meeting raised important issues-the war in Iraq, the
inequality in society, and attacks on democratic rights-and suggested the way
to combat these problems is through building the socialist party. It was very
clear. I understood what was being discussed because the talks were good and
"The meeting also explained the future for young people
as their country goes to war and what it means for them. This is important," he
Pejic immigrated to Australia with his mother following
the NATO military assault on Yugoslavia.
"I started reading the WSWS last year, when I was
searching a lot about history, particularly the history of socialism and
communism. I was also thinking about questions raised by my mother about the
war on the Balkans," he said.
Gihan Perera, who is studying commerce at Deakin University, had
only just found out about the SEP and the WSWS.
"It was a very interesting discussion. As Nick and Will
correctly said, globalisation and capitalism, especially the US, have forced
all these wars. These wars are for oil and for resources. According to the SEP,
it's necessary to educate the working class. This is what is needed to forge a
force against capitalism.
"Nick Beams discussed Milton Friedman. This is important
because the free market is based on profit and because of that, the capitalists
always try to increase their profits. They are not out for the workers'
benefit. They might not be able to smash up conditions in one country so they
go to another country and smash up workers' conditions there. They also need
military force to do this, as they did in Chile.
"The same thing is happening with Iraq. They claim they
went there because of weapons of mass destruction but there were none of those.
They wanted to treat Iraq like a colony and get its resources. This shows where
the so-called free market policies end up. The SEP says, we don't need
capitalist globalism but a social globalism-not privately-owned companies but
social ownership. This is important."
Moetu Orangi, a New Zealand worker now living in Broadmeadows
said that although "much work" had to be done to build a movement like the SEP,
"we have to start."
"I learnt from the meeting tonight," she said, "that
workers have to think in a different frame. We should not ask what this or that
politician is going to do for us or to change the situation. Instead, workers
have to think; what are we going to do to change things?
"It took me some time to figure that out but nothing is
going to change until we begin to do things ourselves and develop a big
movement. It's all about what workers are going to do as a whole. Workers
everywhere must stand together and this is what the SEP is about."
Orangi said she agreed with the SEP's demand for all
foreign troops to be withdrawn from Iraq. "The US is not in Iraq for the people
there, it's there for oil. America never goes to war unless it is for its own
benefit, whether it is oil or territory or something else. A lot of people are
dying there for this.
"I agree that it's no use trying to put pressure on the
government to stop this. We have to build a big movement to oppose war and I
also think that we have to talk to the soldiers themselves. Many don't know why
they are there. The government doesn't tell them the real reasons-oil and
profits-that they're being sent to fight for. I know what it's like because I
was a soldier myself once."
2013年11月22日 星期五
2011-2-17 Zeit Magazine international
ZEITmagazin : Wann haben Sie Ihre feminine Seite entdeckt?
Pejic : Schon als ich sehr jung war, habe ich mich für die Garderobe meiner Mutter interessiert. Und solange man ein Kind ist, finden das alle auch noch süß. Erst als ich älter wurde, habe ich gemerkt,
dass es eine feine Linie gibt zwischen Jungen und Mädchen.
ZEITmagazin : Und dann war es nicht mehr süß?
Pejic : Nein, es war dann nicht mehr okay, dass ich mit Puppen gespielt und Make-up aufgetragen habe. So zwischen acht und zwölf Jahren hatte ich eine Zeit, in der ich mit aller Kraft versuchte, ein
richtiger Junge zu sein. Aber es hat nicht sehr gut funktioniert.
ZEITmagazin : Sie sind in Bosnien geboren, kurz vor dem Krieg, und haben bis zum achten Lebensjahr in Serbien gelebt - das klingt für mich nicht nach einer Umgebung, die viel Rücksicht auf sexuelle Selbstfindung nimmt...
Pejic : Serbien ist bestimmt kein sehr tolerantes Land. Aber ich war ein süßes Kind, da hat man mir viel verziehen. Die harte Zeit begann für mich erst, als ich älter wurde. Ich habe meiner
Mutter viel zu verdanken, die uns in dieser krisengeschüttelten Zeit sehr behütet aufgezogen hat.
ZEITmagazin : Wie war Ihr Elternhaus?
Pejic : Mein Vater war Ökonom, jetzt arbeitet er in Bosnien in der Tourismusindustrie. Meine Mutter war Rechtsanwältin - als wir nach Australien umsiedelten, studierte sie noch einmal, heute ist sie Lehrerin.
ZEITmagazin : Also eine Mittelklassefamilie?
Pejic : Wir kamen aus der Mittelklasse, ja. Aber nach dem Krieg waren wir eine arme Familie - ich fühle mich eher als Arbeiterkind.
ZEITmagazin : Wie haben Sie sich dort zurechtgefunden als Achtjähriger in einem fremden Land?
Pejic : Es war hart. Es gab zum Beispiel kein Integrationsprogramm für Ausländer. Ich saß in der Klasse, sprach kein Wort Englisch und versuchte, etwas aufzuschnappen. Aber wenn man ein Kind ist,
ist das leichter. Ich habe ein Jahr gebraucht, um die Sprache zu lernen.
ZEITmagazin : Seit wann interessiert Sie Mode?
Pejic : Ich habe schon früh Modemagazine gelesen und gerne Kleidung gekauft - aber ich habe nie an eine Modelkarriere gedacht.
"Als Frau bin ich sexy, als Mann schlicht"
Seite 2/3
ZEITmagazin : Sie arbeiten seit etwa einem Jahr als Model. Wie wurden Sie denn entdeckt?
Pejic : Ich verkaufte Obst auf einem Markt in Melbourne. Ein Modelagent kam vorbei und kaufte Erdbeeren bei mir. Er fragte, ob ich in der Agentur vorbeischauen wollte.
ZEITmagazin : Ohne zu wissen, dass Sie keine Frau sind?
Pejic : Das haben sie in der Agentur erst später erfahren, aber sie fanden es noch interessanter.
ZEITmagazin : Ich habe gelesen, Sie seien in Melbourne auf dem Flughafen angesprochen worden.
Pejic : Wissen Sie, ich werde so oft gefragt, wie ich entdeckt wurde - da variiere ich etwas, um die Sache interessant zu halten. Jede Geschichte hat ihre eigene Wahrheit.
ZEITmagazin : Zurzeit sind Sie das einzige prominente Model, das sowohl Männer- als auch Frauenmode trägt. Wann haben Sie das erste Mal Frauenmode vorgeführt?
Pejic : Ich bin schon für ein paar australische Marken auf dem Laufsteg gewesen, mein erster großer Auftritt war aber für Gaultier auf der Pariser Haute Couture Show im Januar. Es hat etwas gedauert, bis man mir Damenmode zutraute, weil man bezweifelte, dass ich den Körper dafür habe. Aber offenbar habe ich ihn.
ZEITmagazin : Ist es ein Unterschied für Sie, Frauen- oder Männermode zu präsentieren?
Pejic : Damenmode ist viel anspruchsvoller. Es kommt darauf an, wie man schreitet, wie man sich bewegt. Bei Männer-Shows muss man einfach nur loslaufen.
ZEITmagazin : Können Sie im Kopf zwischen Frau und Mann umschalten?
Pejic : Ich weiß, welche Erwartungen an mich gestellt werden. Als Frau bin ich sinnlich und sexy. Als Mann bin ich eher - schlicht.
ZEITmagazin : Mann zu sein bedeutet, schlicht zu sein?
Pejic : Auf die Mode bezogen - ja.
ZEITmagazin : Wie reagieren andere Models auf Sie?
Pejic : Sie sind freundlich. Nicht unbedingt meine besten Freundinnen, aber auch nicht zickig. Auf den
Männer-Schauen bin ich normalerweise der Einzige, der besonders feminin wirkt.
Aber sogar die sehr maskulinen Models bleiben cool.
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ZEITmagazin : Wie kleiden Sie sich in Ihrer Freizeit?
Pejic : Ich trage Frauen- und Männerkleidung. Aber als Frau gut auszusehen ist wesentlich günstiger. Gute Männerkleidung ist sehr teuer.
ZEITmagazin : Tragen Sie Kleider?
Pejic : Wenn ich ein Kleid sehe, das mir gefällt, dann trage ich es, ich habe kein Problem damit. Ich trage auch High Heels.
ZEITmagazin : Make-up?
Pejic : Nicht viel. Ich bin keine Dragqueen, will mich nicht in jemand anderen verwandeln. Ich möchte natürlich bleiben.
ZEITmagazin : Wenn Sie in High Heels ausgehen, und ein Mann bestellt Ihnen einen Drink - wann sagen Sie ihm, dass Sie nicht das sind, was er vielleicht erwartet?
Pejic : Ich habe schon viele Freigetränke bekommen, und ich habe noch niemanden mit nach Hause genommen und im Unklaren darüber gelassen, dass ich keine Frau bin. Aber den meisten ist das auch gar nicht so wichtig. Sie bestellen mir trotzdem noch einen Drink.
ZEITmagazin : Interessieren Sie Frauen oder Männer?
Pejic : Ich will es mal so sagen: Liebe kennt keine Grenzen.
ZEITmagazin : Sie sind jetzt 19 Jahre alt. Sie werden nicht immer als Model auf der feinen Linie zwischen den Geschlechtern balancieren können. Wenn Sie später einmal einen Job außerhalb der Mode annehmen, wird man wohl wissen wollen, ob man es mit einem Mann oder einer Frau zu tun hat.
Pejic : Vielleicht, aber zurzeit funktioniert es. Ich werde die Dinge auf mich zukommen lassen.
ZEITmagazin : Wissen Sie schon, welches Geschlecht Sie haben wollen, sollten Sie sich einmal entscheiden müssen?
Pejic : Ja das weiß ich. Aber ich verrate es noch nicht.
Andrej Pejic TV and magazine interviews
Model Andrej Pejic: „As a woman I am sexy, as a man I am plain."
He is the only model who presents Menswear and Womenswear. That makes him the epitome of a revolutionary trend: The dissolution of the boundaries between sexes.
ZEITmagazin: Mister Pejic, do feel more like a man or a woman?
Andrej Pejic: Sometimes I feel more masculine but sometimes more feminine. Mayn think of me as more feminine but I am both. And at the moment I feel very comfortable about that.
ZEITmagazin: When did you discover your femine side?
Pejic: When I was very young I was interested in my mother's wardrobe. As long as you are a kid everyone thinks that's cute. It was only when I got older that I realized that there is a thin line between boys and girls.
ZEITmagazin: And then it wasn't cute anymore?
Pejic: No, it wasn't OK anymore that played with dolls and wore make up. Between the age of 8 and 12 there was a time when I desperately tried to be a real boy. But that didn't work very well.
ZEITmagazin: You were born in Bosnia, shortly before the War and lived in Serbia until you were 8 years old. That doesn't seem to me like an environment which respects sexual self-discovery...
Pejic: Serbia is/was definitely not a very tolerant country. But I was a cute kid and could easily be forgiven. The tough time began when I got older. I'm very thankful for my mother who got us
sheltered through this hard time.
ZEITmagazin: What was your parental home like?
Pejic: My father was an economist. Now he works in the tourism industry in Bosnia. My mother was a lawyer. When we moved to Australia she studied again and she is now a teacher.
ZEITmagazin: So you are a middle class family?
Pejic: Yes, but after the war we were a poor family. I feel more like a working-class kid.
ZEITmagazin: Was it difficult to orient yourself when you moved to a foreign country when you were 8 years old?
Pejic: It was hard. There was no integration course for foreigners. I was in a school class, didn't speak any English and tried to catch some things. But it's easier when you are a kid. It took me a year to learn the new language.
ZEITmagazin: When did you become interested in fashion?
Pejic: I started reading fashion magazines early on and I loved buying clothes. But I never dreamed of a modelling career.
ZEITmagazin: You've been working as a model for about a year now. How ere you discovered?
Pejic: I was selling fruits on a market in Melbourne. A model agent came by and bought strwaberries off me. He asked me if I wanted to stop by at his agency.
ZEITmagazin: Without knowing that you weren't a woman?
Pejic: They only found out later at the agency but they thought that was even more interesting.
ZEITmagazin: I read that you were approached in Melbourne at the airport.
Pejic: You know, I get asked how I was discovered so often - I change things up to keep it intersting. Every story has its own truth.
ZEITmagazin: At the moment you are the only famous model that wears both menswear and women's wear. When was the first time you modelled women's wear?
Pejic: I've modelled for some Australian brands but my first big show was Gaultier at the Haute Couture shows in Paris in January. It took a while until people thought I was capable of modelling
women's collections because there were doubts I had the body to do it. But apparently I do have it.
ZEITmagazin: Does it make a difference whether you walk women's or men's shows?
Pejic: Fashion for women is more demanding.
It depends on how you walk and how you move. At men's shows you just run off.
ZEITmagazin: Can you switch between man and woman in your head?
Pejic: I know what others expect of me. As a woman I am sensual and sexy. As a man I am more - plain.
ZEITmagazin: Being a man means being plain?
Pejic: When it come sto fashion - yes.
ZEITmagazin: How do other models respond to you?
Pejic: They are kind. Not my best friends but not bitchy either. At the menswear shows I'm usually the only one who's especially feminine. But even the very masculine models are cool about that.
ZEITmagazin: How do you normally dress?
Pejic: I wear both men's and women's clothes. But looking good as a woman is less expensive. Good menswear is very expensive.
ZEITmagazin: Do you wear dresses?
Pejic: If I see a dress I like, I'll wear it. I have no problem with that. I also wear high heels.
ZEITmagazin: Make-up?
Pejic: Not much. I'm no drag queen and don't want to transform into someone else. I want to be natural.
ZEITmagazin: When you go out in high heels and a man offers you a drink, when do you tell him that you might not be what he thinks you are?
Pejic: I've been offered many drinks and I've never taken anyone home without letting him know that I'm not a woman. But it's not even that important to many of them. They'll buy me a drink nevertheless.
ZEITmagazin: Do you like men or women?
Pejic: Let me put it this way: Love has no boundaries.
這篇給我一點時間翻譯。 原先儲存的world檔毀損了,當初好不容易翻譯好的內容,就這樣沒了....
Alex Márgary: Hi, I'm Alex from Metrovelvet
Andrej Pejic: Hey, I'm Andrej
AM: Everyone knows who you are, Andrej
AP: *laughs*
AM: Can I interview you?
AP: Absolutely, but super quickly.
AM: Yes. Perfect!, favourite colour?
AP: Blue. No, no, purple. Yes, purple for the moment.
AM: Favourite food?
AP: Nasi Goreng.
AP:Nasi Goreng.(印尼炒飯)
AM: Which has been your favourite journey so far?
AP: Morocco
AM: This is an odd one. Boxers or Briefs?
AP: Briefs obviously!
AM: The designer you wear the most?
AP: JC Penny hahaha
AP: JC Penny hahaha.(*傑西潘尼,美國最大的連鎖百貨商店之一)
AM: Thank you so much for your time, and hope to see you backstage at more shows.
AP: Yes, thank you.
Hopefully we'll see him at another runway, so we can keep chatting more and letting you know more about Andrej Pejic. Keep posted!
Story of me Andrej Pejic✍
I was born just before the war started in Bosnia in 1992. My grandmother and mum, together
with me and my brother, fled to Serbia when I was a baby.
After the NATO bombings in Serbia, my Mum decided it was best for us to go. We had some family in Australia and it was known for a good standard of living so, as hard as it was, we left.
Even as a kid I was androgynous. It's just the way I look physically. At around 14 I decided to embrace it.
My looks actually helped me make friends. I went to a really liberal school which embraces originality. My appearance always got a reaction, sometimes negative, but people go through much worse stuff.
I was scouted in a cornfield in outback Australia. An agent happened to drive past and they threw a modelling contract at me. I jumped straight into it - I thought, "It's better than a part-time job in KFC".
I was told from the start Australia wasn't my market. It's more commercial and I guess I'm not a commercial model. Doing the men's shows in Europe last year was a good move - designers tend to like me over there. Jean Paul Gaultier and John Galliano are fans.
My ideal campaign would be Prada menswear. For womenswear I'd have to say Chanel - but I'm not ruling anything out!
Androgyny is a trend at this point. It's something different and new to play with.
My parents divorced when I was a baby. I wouldn't have been able to do this without mum. My father has never been financially supportive, though he is emotionally.
I'm influenced by Lady Gaga and Boy George. Also the 80s New Romantics, that whole scene. Lady Gaga takes the best of them [sub-cultures] and makes them mainstream. I think her creativity is really important.
I left school to study law. I'll have to make a decision whether to do this for a few more years. Acting would be amazing too - if an opportunity came up I definitely wouldn't say no.
2013年11月21日 星期四
“Andrej Pejic.”
Andrej Pejic
Star sign?
Where are you from?
“The Melbourne ghetto.”
What do you do for fun in Melbourne?
“I club/party a fair bit; Brunswick Street is great too. I shop at the vintage markets all the time and during summer I hit the beaches with friends.”
跑夜店/俱樂部; Brunswick 街那也不錯。去一些復古風格的店購物,夏天就跟朋友到海邊。
Likes & dislikes?
“Likes: candy, PVC, fur, chilli and chocolate, life, travel, Europe, Asia, 1980s New Romantics, art, dressing up, biology, Pete Burns’ lips, music festivals, fashion and pages.
“Dislikes: tights that look like denim, snobbism, the recession and capitalism going to shit, exams and empty promises.”
喜歡:糖果、PVC、毛皮、辣椒和巧克力,生活,旅行,歐洲、亞洲、1980年的新浪漫主義,藝術,打扮,生物學, Pete Burns的嘴唇,音樂節、時尚、pages。
Favourite model?
“Naomi Campbell, Paul Boche and Caroline Cossey‘Tula’.”
Naomi Campbell (英國超模,時尚界首屈一指的黑人女性模特兒。) Paul Boche (德國模特兒) Caroline Cossey‘Tula"(知名的變性超模)
Who are your ‘heros’?
“Karl Marx and Boy George.”
Favourite TV show?
"Skins" (2007 年一月在英國E4頻道播出的電視劇,該片講述的青少年在暴露在競爭、宗教、性、毒品等複雜的環境中面臨的生活和經歷的情感糾葛)
Favourite Movie?
“Monster with Charlize Theron.”
Favourite label?
“Burberry and of course Supre at the moment.”
Burberry 和Supre (一個是英國品牌,一個是澳洲品牌)
What are you listening to at the moment?
“Hit and Run Lover by Dead or Alive.”
Hit and Run Lover by Dead or Alive.”
If you could be a superhero, which one would you be?
Worst habit?
“Mine? Hmmm cracking my bones.”
我? 嗯... 折手指。
Favourite pass time?
Favourite book?
“‘Ana Karenjina, Leo Tolstoy.”
How and when did you begin modeling?
“I began last year in August and after an interview I signed with my agency.”
What agency are you represented by?
Who have you been shot by?
“Liz Ham, Russ Flat, and Will Davidson to name a few.”
Liz Ham, Russ Flat, and Will Davidson ...等等。
Biggest achievement so far?
“Giving birth.”
Giving birth
Lucinda Rose Constable
2019-5-24 Sunday Life
3、4月時,Andreja曾待在澳洲一段時間 當時也有看到分享一些拍攝中的影片,這個就是當時之一。
Emily Power From: Herald Sun March 23, 2011 12:00AM Andrej Pejic (right) will wear shimmering gold trousers (left) designed by Yeojin B...
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