2012年4月30日 星期一
2012-4-5 Andrej Pejic -GQ TW
Andrej Pejic的成名之路,可回碩自2008年,隨著義大利星探的提拔,188公分,17歲的他認清了自己的人生目標。在將照片寄給Chadwick Models經紀公司後,他選擇延緩大學學業,追尋他所想要的模特兒事業。
墨爾本的Chadwick Models經紀人Matthew Anderson,看到了當時Andrej Pejic所潛藏的魅力,他說:「他擁有非凡的美貌和智慧,對於自己的一切感到滿意自在。」而在成功橫掃08年墨爾本春夏時裝周後,Anderson決定 讓Andrej Pejic到倫敦去闖蕩一番。
Sarah Doukas 慧眼賞識,歐洲起航。
隔年,Andrej Pejic一結束他的高中學業,便打包行李前往倫敦。然而,在歐洲典型壯碩身材的男模市場裡,他的”陰柔”反倒成了阻礙。他回憶著說:「我記得當天下著大 雨,我沒有帶傘,一切就像電影演的那樣─『天呀,我來到倫敦了,我花了我媽好多錢,而且一家經紀公司也沒上。』─彷彿就像瑪丹娜(Madonna)圓夢的 翻版。」在狂風暴雨中,他走進第五家經紀公司Storm,就在這因緣際會下,由當初挖掘Kate Moss的經紀人Sarah Doukas,給了他一個機會。
Sarah Doukas說:「當我第一次見到Andrej時,腦中只想著『多麼美的一個女孩(或男孩)呀。』除此之外沒多想什麼,對於他,我完全不想給予任何的界定。」經紀公司除了將它歸類在男模檔案外,當然,女模也少不了他的位子。
Vogue Paris巔峰之作,晉升Jean Paul Gaultier新寵兒。
在經過2011巴黎時裝周過後,Jean Paul Gaultier、John Galliano、Raf Simons、Paul Smith,四場大秀,引起眾編輯矚目─「誰是那位金髮尤物?」這股尋人騷動在經過當時法國版Vogue總編Carine Roitfeld的欽點徵召後,更是有如排山倒海而來。
「Carine Roitfeld的態度就像是『給他穿上Fendi!』我的經紀公司有詢問過說是否會(因穿女裝)感到不適,但裙子我從小就在穿啦,所以,對於拍攝Vogue Paris內頁,我說:『當然,沒問題。』」
從那時起(接獲Marc by Marc Jacobs女裝男穿、Jean Paul Gaultier女女喇舌的代言後),Andrej Pejic覺得他的”性別”開啟了另一種對藝術的詮釋。在過往兩年間,他參與了Jean Paul Gaultier的男裝、女裝,甚至在高級訂製服穿起新娘婚紗閉幕;在二月紐約時裝週期間,他也參與了四場女裝、五場男裝;在鬼才John Galliano的同名秀上,即便是替男裝走秀,Galliano也將他扮成像是Betty Catroux(聖羅蘭大師和Tom Ford的時尚謬思)般,將「性別」推向極限巔峰。
在為 Jean Paul Gaultier 11年秋冬女裝走秀後,受到英國每日電報記者Hilary Alexander犀利訪問,倒也爆出了願意為Victoria`s Secret(維多利亞的秘密)變性的勁爆言論。
當然,這樣的高名氣和高調”性別”議題漸漸受到世人評論,舉例像是,去年春天替《Dossier》袒胸拍攝封面,就因為被誤認為是女模露點包裝不當,使得雜誌下架;美國版FHM也在Andrej Pejic被選為全球第98名性感美女時,因對他的用詞不當而提出道歉。
對於事業引起的爭議風波,他說:「其實就像是... 接受這方面的輿論吧,我的人生本就帶著爭議性的,還能說什麼呢?我就像小甜甜布蘭妮(Britney Spears)一樣呀。」
談及愛情生活,Andrej Pejic在這方面意外的機智堅定。他認為,其實性別是無關緊要的,並且非常令人難以置信的說:「我不會用肉欲來形容自己,我尊重也感謝愛情,雖然現在沒有,但有一天我會愛上擁有它的感覺。我很滿意我自己,所以,我不會和沒意識到這點的人來往。」
另一方面,對於“性別”的看法,Andrej Pejic或許不會和別人據理力爭(雖然很多人希望他這麼做),但他對於已被刻板矮化的性別有所疑問:「在現今社會中,如果一個男生被形容是女生,我想這應該是某種極大的侮辱,但這是為什麼?是因為女性被矮化看扁了嗎?」他提起眉毛懷疑的問著,「我知道有些人希望我替自己捍衛發聲,但你知道,其實這一切都不重要,我並沒有非常強烈的性別認同意識,我了解自己,也認同它,如同有些人用它來當創作靈感或是某種商業用途來使用,就像擁有某種技藝來賺錢一樣。」
2012-2-8 The sky's the limit! How Andrej Pejic is becoming a more popular womenswear model than any female
Pejic's most recent shoot saw the model posing for photographer Sebastien Micke and assistant Russ Heller in a bright blue bikini and pale blue trouser suit - and he looks every inch the cover girl.
Behind the scenes images show Pejic's make-up being applied, and his flawless complexion. We also see the model admiring the clothes he will be wearing in the shoot.
The photos suggest that the Serbian blonde - who grew up in Australia and burst onto the fashion scene last year - is set to make an even bigger impact in 2012.
Dude looks like a lady: Andrej Pejic pulls a sultry look during a shoot on a rooftop in New York
Not just any model: Pejic is the fashion world's man of the moment - and he models womenswear more successfully than almost any of his peers
He is rumoured to be about to sign a contact to be the face of a major fragrance campaign - the natural next step for a successful catwalk model - and is almost guaranteed to be making an appearance on womenswear runways in the coming weeks.
In 2011, the 20-year-old was so in demand, he was even chosen to model for a female lingerie campaign. Pejic's lack of cleavage did nothing to hinder his appeal and starred in an poster for Dutch department store Hema - advertising a push-up bra.
The model is so popular an 'industry term' has been invented using his name.
All made-up: Behind the scenes images show Pejic's make-up being applied, and his flawless complexion
The photos suggest that the Serbian blonde - who grew up in Australia and burst onto the fashion scene last year - is set to make an even bigger impact in 2012
The 'Andrej Pejic effect' refers to men who use make-up, after the androgynous supermodel who openly discusses his use of cosmetics.
But it's not all fun and games for Pejic, who admits he has to work hard to maintain a woman's figure.
He told Grazia magazine: 'To do womenswear I have to be disciplined. My waist has gone from 29 to 25 inches, my hips are 35 inches.'
It appears the hard work is paying off.
Here's one I'll wear later: Pejic looks over wardrobe choices with photographer Sebastien Micke, right, for a photo shoot as Micke's assistant Russ Heller checks the weather
有人說在拍攝的那天剛好經過那,然後就看到他了。 好像是拍第一張的時候。
2012-2-10 Andrej Pejic: 10 things you should know about Fashion Week’s androgynous model✍
While he often wears women’s clothing and doesn’t mind when people mistake him for a girl, he has no desire to actually become one. Androgyny and cross-dressing do not make him transgendered — for that, he would have to identify as the opposite sex. Pejic still identifies as a man.
He told New York Magazine: “I know people want me to sort of defend myself, to sit here and be like, ‘I’m a boy, but I wear makeup sometimes.’ But, you know, to me, it doesn’t really matter. I don’t really have that sort of strong gender identity — I identify as what I am. The fact that people are using it for creative or marketing purposes, it’s just kind of like having a skill and using it to earn money.”
2. He wasn’t always so glamorous.Pejic worked at a McDonalds and cleaned toilets in a strip club.
2.生活並非總是光鮮亮麗。Pejic曾在 McDonalds打工和脫衣舞孃俱樂部當清潔員。
3. Pejic and his family are Bosnian refugees. He was born to a Serbian mother and a Croatian father. His mother fled to Serbia with her children, and they were granted refugee status to move to Melbourne, Australia, where Pejic grew up. His father stayed behind.
4. Pejic became famous for modeling a push-up bra...To demonstrate just how well their push-up bra works, Dutch retail chain HEMA hired a model without breasts — Pejic — to wear it. He wore the bra under several figure-hugging dresses.
5. ...and a wedding dress.Pejic was honored with the showpiece of the Jean Paul Gaultier womenswear show last year — he wore the designer’s see-through wedding dress. He also wore a more conventional bridal look on the cover of Out, where he was awarded “Stylemaker of the Year.”
6. His biggest problem? His shoe size.Pejic is 6-foot-1, and a women’s size two to four — but his shoe size is a women’s 11. Since it’s a rare size for women, he’s forced to squeeze his feet into a women’s size 10 to walk in shows.
7. Pejic was named the 98th sexiest woman in the world by FHM. The designation was an offensive one — macho mag FHM called him a ”thing,” and, in reference to his androgyny, said “Pass the sick bucket.” The article was later removed from FHM’s Web site.
8. His torso was censored by Barnes & Noble and Borders. When Pejic made the cover of Dossier, the bookstores made the magazine sell that issue in an opaque bag to cover up a shirtless image of the model — even though men’s chests show up on magazine covers all the time. “There's this expectation that men are masculine, and that women are feminine, and have bodies that can be recognized as female,” says Paisley Currah, a professor of political science at Brooklyn College and the author of the upcoming book United States of Gender, to the Daily Beast. “So Andrej, who is being presented socially as a woman, but whose body is a man, upsets those expectations. And he raises everyone's anxieties about gender as a result.”
9. He wore a skirt to meet the Queen of England.When invited to Buckingham Palace, Pejic chose a Paul Smith blazer, Issey Miyake shirt, vintage Versace pencil skirt, his mother’s belt from the ’80s, and Toni Blanco shoes. He said it was inspired by “Sharon Stone, with a little bit ’90s.” Grazia magazine called the ensemble “modest and smart, but very beautiful ... a resounding success.”
10. Pejic likes to play tricks.Joking about how Victoria’s Secret models have babies and go back to the runway with their original bodies just weeks later, Pejic jokes to New York magazine that he wanted to do the same thing, but in one day. He bought a fake pregnancy belly, but was prohibited from wearing it at a Brazilian airport. His Twitter account is full of sarcastic quips like, “I feel like Christina Aguilera is a blonde version of Snooki these days.” However, he can also get serious, often tweeting about politics and international affairs as often as he tweets about fashion.
2012年4月29日 星期日
2012-2-21 He's got the look
Pejic on the catwalk for Jean Paul Gaultier.
''I've grown up a lot in these two years,'' he confided. ''I've become more independent. I've expanded my horizons.'' Between shots of boardshorts for boys and maillots cut high over the hip and skimpy for girls (he nonchalantly swapped from one to another and back again), he talked about his strange and fabulous life.
''I think I'm a reflection of a cultural phenomenon,'' he said carefully. ''It's marketing, but there's a plus: people use me to send a message of tolerance and to explore different types of beauty and self-expression.''
Pejic's beautiful face is a confusing ingredient in campaigns by some of fashion's most powerful global brands: Marc Jacobs, Raf Simons, Vogue magazines, even a global perfume campaign he shot recently for a launch in August.
His infamous appearance as a bride in a sheer, rippling goddess gown for Jean Paul Gaultier in Paris last year whipped up controversy.
But the Boy from Broady confused the masses even more cruelly when he appeared ''topless'' on the cover of New York's Dossier magazine. Stockists in the US demanded the magazine be sold in an opaque plastic sleeve, making Pejic possibly the first man in history to have his nipples censored.
''I wasn't complaining, that got me a lot of press,'' he says. ''But, an artistic image, even of a woman's body, I don't think should be censored.''
His mum, Jadranka, a former lawyer, now relief teacher, sits quietly nearby. She sees him so little these days, it's enough just to be close while he's working: ''I miss my baby,'' she says.
Her insights into the remarkable young man now twisting and pouting for a photographer, his flat creamy belly exposed in a knotted Nathan Paul T-shirt and tight swim briefs, are refreshingly simple. ''Andrej was such a good kid, what every parent wants: quiet, a good student, homework on time …''
The Pejics migrated to Australia from a Bosnian Serb refugee camp when Andrej was eight, and his brother Igor, 10. While he learned English and acclimatised to life at Broadmeadows West primary, his mother remembers Andrej was shy and kept his predilection for dolls and girly things to himself.
''I did try to be more boyish,'' he remembers. ''I tried to play sport, talk less.'' There was little or no bullying at school. ''I was happy. I was in a loving home, allowed to do all the girly things I wanted.''
His mother remembers a kind of epiphany when her son shifted from Broadmeadows to University High School. There his feminine side was not only tolerated but celebrated.
''All of a sudden, Andrej exploded!'' Mrs Pejic hoots at the memory. ''Andrej wanted pink hair, Andrej wanted makeup, Andrej wanted to go out …'' Pejic remembers it, too: ''I said 'f--- it', and started expressing the way I felt. I got more friends if anything, became more popular. I think people are more attracted to you when you're confident, more yourself. You shine more and people want to touch the light.''
Pejic says his loneliness and homesickness is subsiding. ''In this industry it's easy to meet people,'' he says. ''Now I have a lot of friends: models, make-up artists, designers.''
Fashion is also notorious for sycophants and fakes. He has ways of weeding these out of his peer group. ''There are a lot of inflated egos,'' he laughs. ''But, if you become like that then that's the sort of people you attract. I'm still very approachable. I want to have all kinds of people in my life, not just the cool fashion crowd.''
2012-4-29 下個月會去北京
Andrej: 我下個月會去北京!
這讓我也想問他會不會來這裡? (但如果沒工作的需要也不太可能......)
2012-2-22 Uživaju u australijskom letu: Andrej Pejić ugostio mamu i baku!
Australijski androgeni maneken srpskog porekla Andrej Pejić (20) ugostio je u Melburnu majku i baku!
U vreme kada je Srbija okovana snegom, Andrej sa članovima najbliže porodice uživa u toplom australijskom letu. Ovog čuvenog manekena, koji je zbog ženstvenog izgleda osvojio srca modnih kreatora za dame, paparaci su ulovili dok je sa majkom Jadrankom i bakom Danicom išao u šoping u “Broudmidous” tržni centar u Melburnu, kao i tokom šetnje Kvins parkom.
Andrej je rođen 28. avgusta 1991. u Tuzli. Majka mu je Srpkinja, a otac Hrvat, ali su razvedeni. Ima starijeg brata Igora. Kada je počeo rat, porodica se doselila u Srbiju, a potom su emigrirali u Australiju. Andrej često dolazi u Beograd, a u selu Vojska kod Svilajnca živi njegova baka Danica.
Nedavno je Pejić uzburkao modnu scenu izjavom da bi, ukolio bi mu iz “Viktorijas sikrita” ponudili ugovor, bez razmišljanja stavio silikonske grudi i promenio pol, a čak je ponudio i čuvenom Hjuu Hefneru da se slika za “Plejboj”.
Magazin “FHM” svrstao ga je na 98. mesto među 100 najseksepilnijih žena na svetu, a po sajtu models.com na 18. je među muškim top modelima.
izvor: Alo!
2012年4月14日 星期六
2012-2-21 Andrej Pejic leaves them for dead in cozzies for men and women
The androgynous head-turner was back home yesterday to model the latest swimwear collection for avant garde Australian designer Nathan Paul.
The only difference? Pejic yesterday modelled both mens and womenswear for Paul's Spring/Summer 2012/2013 collection.
"It is out there, thought provoking and sexual and very virgin-like too," Pejic said of the Aussie cozzies.
The model, who missed NYFW last week to shoot a campaign in Paris as the face of a major fragrance, has modelled everything from Jean Paul Gaultier's bridal range to women's lingerie.
Pejic said morphing into his feminine side was not too hard.
"I am comfortable to do a lot of things," he said at the Day of the Dead-themed shoot at Richmond restaurant Mexicali Rose.
"I think it is definitely more intimidating and revealing. I have to bring out the sort of sexy side, but it is a lot of fun.
"You have to come to a place where you just let go and I have come to that place already.
"There are no gender boundaries and no other boundaries of any sort. We don't like that."
Pejic's Chadwick Models agent Joseph Tenni said the Serbian Australian was a superstar.
"He got more covers last year than any other Australian model, by far, and any other male model in the world," Tenni said.
"I think he can achieve a lot more in the Australian market."
Designer Paul said he felt Pejic was the right look for his brand and loved his edgy style. "I didn't do it for controversy."
2012-2-21 High fashion, minus the labels
(CNN) -- Twenty-year-old, 6-foot-1 Andrej Pejic is a model for success: a women's size 2 or 4; angular cheekbones; full, pouty lips; bleached-blond hair; and impossibly long legs.
Yet the walk down the runway -- often squeezed into a ladies' size 10 shoe -- hasn't always been a smooth and glamour-ridden one.
Bosnian-born Pejic grew up as the younger son to a single mother of two. He spent most of his childhood in a Serbian refugee camp before moving to Melbourne, Australia.
While others are quick to attach labels to Pejic -- he's been referred to in the media everywhere from "James Blond" to "gender bender" to "femiman" -- androgynous sensation Pejic isn't so quick to constrict himself to a particular description.
"Growing up as a child, I would say that I was quite feminine. I exhibited feminine behavior. I played with Barbies, I played dress-up, I wanted to have long hair," he says.
It wasn't until Pejic was around the age of 8 or 9 that he recalls receiving the message that it just wasn't acceptable to exhibit these behaviors anymore, "because there was a fine line between how women behave and how men behave," he says.
Pejic cut his hair short, attempted to dress more "boyish" and tried his hand at football. "That crashed and burned," he laughs. Even with his so-called modifications, Pejic said he would still always be mistaken for a girl.
At the age of 14, prompted by a move to a different school and fed up with a bout of social anxiety, Pejic embraced the opportunity to showcase his now signature look.
"One morning, I bleached my hair and started wearing fitted clothes and tattered jeans and exhibit the more feminine qualities that I had to work hard to keep hidden."
These same feminine qualities would later catch the eye of a modeling scout while Pejic was working at his part-time job at McDonald's.
It was here that Pejic's life unexpectedly starting drifting from French fries toward French couture.
"For us, the only way to escape our economic status was through school, and that's what my mum always told us," Pejic says. "I thought maybe this could be a good part-time job to earn money on the side, but then it sort of evolved."
And evolve it did. After Pejic graduated from high school, he was given the opportunity to expand his modeling reach beyond the conservative, more masculine Australian market to London -- his mom even borrowed money for the flight to get him there.
All of the European agencies he visited said no, except for his very last appointment, which just happened to be with Sarah Doukas and Storm Model Management.
"It's just too interesting to not try," Pejic recounts Doukas saying.
"Interesting" is a term that Doukas has certainly never shied away from. She is also credited with discovering now legendary British model Kate Moss at John F. Kennedy International Airport when Moss was just 14 years old -- a risky move at the time, with Moss' unconventionally waif-like 5-foot-7 frame competing against the tall, more curvaceous figures of Cindy Crawford and Naomi Campbell.
Since that meeting, Pejic has taken both menswear and womenswear collections by storm as one of the most sought-after models.
Among his accomplishments, he was the face for the Spring/Summer 2011 Marc by Marc Jacobs line, and he appeared in both the men's and women's runway show for legendary French designer Jean Paul Gaultier; most notably in the latter as the finale piece of Gaultier's 2011 haute couture show in Paris with a see-through bridal gown. (Rihanna wore the same dress to the 2011 Grammy Awards.)
Pejic was notably absent during New York Fashion Week (February 9-16) because of a scheduling conflict with a Jean Paul Gaultier campaign shoot in Paris.
More recently and controversially, Pejic modeled a push-up bra for the Dutch retail chain HEMA. He was also named one of FHM Magazine's 100 Sexiest Women in the World in 2011.
"I think it can be somewhat intimidating for people. It's something they haven't seen," he says. "I think transgender people in the media are portrayed in a very obscure, negative way, and a lot of people don't have a frame of reference for these things or any education about it -- so when they're confronted with it, it's almost threatening."
The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) defines "transgender" an "an umbrella term (adj.) for people whose gender identity and/or gender expression differs from the sex they were assigned at birth. The term may include but is not limited to: transsexuals, cross-dressers and other gender-variant people.
Transgender people may or may not decide to alter their bodies hormonally and/or surgically."
"It is an umbrella term, so it's not a bad word," Pejic agrees. "But I'm not quick to categorize myself."
Even though Pejic isn't into labels, those in the field of gender studies say there's still a tendency to stick to the gender binary when he's mentioned.
"I do think that the visibility of models like Pejic is normalizing nontraditional forms of gender expression, which is fantastic for folks out there who don't identify with the gender they were born with," says Lena Chen, a gay rights advocate and body politics writer. "But when you see coverage of Pejic, for example, it's about a man dressing like a woman."
But gender identity certainly isn't the only issue surrounding Pejic in the fashion industry. Controversy is always in vogue.
For years, international fashion weeks have been criticized for employing ultra-skinny models with similar builds to Pejic's, increasingly so since 21-year-old Brazilian model Ana Carolina Reston died from complications of anorexia in 2006.
"Typically, high-fashion models have boyish figures," says Salvador Camarena, a Los Angeles-based wardrobe stylist.
To some in the modeling industry, it's these same boyish figures that could be driving Pejic's high-end success while simultaneously feeding the industry's unhealthy environment.
"To me, selling women's clothes using a teenage boy's body is the ultimate cynicism. It's as if the fashion industry is saying, 'Here is the perfect woman for our clothes: a boy!' " says style guru and "Project Runway" mentor Tim Gunn in his forthcoming book "Tim Gunn's Fashion Bible: The Fascinating History of Everything in Your Closet."
However, to others, the androgynous look is nothing more than artistic showcase.
"From an artistic point of view, androgyny is very interesting for them to explore and is quite unique -- and I think throughout history it's been very interesting," Pejic says.
"Runway should be seen more as an art piece," Camarena agrees. "He's creating living art. It [gender] shouldn't matter. After all, women have been wearing men's white oxford shirts for years."
Despite his unique look, as with any other model, fashionable relevance goes in and out of style just like last season's pants. For now, Pejic is happy strutting his stuff.
After that, Pejic says he would love to go back to university to study law, and his media exposure has opened up possible opportunities in television and movies.
"If none of that succeeds, I'm back to McDonald's."
lol 要是這樣,速食店會引起暴動吧!
2012-2-9 Gender-bending model pushes limits of the runway
NEW YORK (AP) — On a chilly winter afternoon, Andrej Pejic settles into a Manhattan cafe with a cup of Earl Grey tea, sitting gracefully, long legs crossed. The blue-eyed fashion model gazes out a window, unaware that almost every man sitting at surrounding tables is transfixed.
A man in a black leather jacket walks up to the window, presses his face against the glass and kisses it. Pejic giggles and admits: "I find it flattering."
The admirers are likely unaware that the beautiful blonde is actually a man.
As Fashion Week gets under way in New York City, Pejic is one of the most recognizable — and controversial — faces in the industry. He's the only top-tier fashion model who can walk down the runway as either a man or a woman. And his androgynous beauty has turned him into a trendsetter in an industry that's always seeking to push the envelope.
"He's just this beautiful thing that everyone wants a piece of," says stylist Kyle Anderson, who dressed Pejic for a German magazine cover.
He has the kind of face that makes even the vainest woman jealous: high cheekbones, flawless skin and plump, shapely lips. When he speaks, his ever-so-slight Adam's apple is the first sign of his masculinity.
Though Pejic isn't trying to be a woman, many in the transgender community have already claimed him as their own. He is seen as a bit of a maverick, someone who has embraced his sexuality without any need for explanation or justification. Last year, the gay and lesbian magazine Out named him "stylemaker of the year" and put him on its cover wearing a bridal veil and flowers in his hair.
Pejic graced the covers of 14 magazines last year alone, including an ad campaign for a Dutch pushup bra. In 2011, he was the face for a fashion line by designer Marc Jacobs. He has walked the runways for heavyweight designers, including John Galliano and Jean Paul Gaultier.
French designer Gaultier was so enamored of Pejic that he used his gender-bending look as a source of inspiration for his 2011 men's and women's wear shows, both of which Pejic modeled in. In the Gaultier men's show, a pistol-packing, bare-chested Pejic wore a sleek black suit as "James Blonde."
That was in stark contrast with the women's show, where Gaultier crowned Pejic with the prized piece in the women's wear collection: a couture bride's dress.
French photographer Sebastien Micke, who has photographed transgender models, says Pejic's femininity is effortless.
"Andrej's got this thing that supermodels have — how to pose in front of the camera," Micke says. "It's just natural."
But life hasn't always been so easy or glamorous for the 20-year-old. Born in Bosnia, Pejic spent much of his childhood living in a Serbian refugee camp before his family fled the country for Australia. He was discovered by a talent scout while working at a McDonald's as a teenager.
From an early age, Pejic exhibited qualities thought of as traditionally feminine, for instance, preferring Barbie dolls over toy cars. As a teenager, he often hung out with girls and was once busted for stealing makeup from a drugstore. Pejic says acceptance from his friends and family made him comfortable in his own skin.
"I'm lucky in that sense," he says. "If I had big muscles and were hairy with a beard, I might not be comfortable with that."
At 6-feet-1, he's rail-thin, a women's size 2 or 4. His shoe size is the most problematic. Technically a women's size 11, he's forced to squeeze his feet into a size 10 to walk in women's shows.
Gene Hogan, a representative at DNA models, the agency representing Pejic in the U.S., says dozens of calls pour in every week touting a slew of hot new androgynous models: "They say, 'Oh, you've got to see this guy! He's the black Andrej Pejic!'"
For Pejic, every fashion season brings a new surge of headlines and opportunities, including talks of a fragrance line or a possible reality TV show. With New York Fashion Week — when designers debut their fall collections — beginning Thursday, it's unclear which shows he will walk in — if any at all.
With the frenzy of media attention over the past year, industry insiders say Pejic runs the risk of overexposure. Given his very niche look, Pejic's ability to stay relevant may become difficult. And as his star rises, it's possible designers could hesitate to book him, fearing his persona may overshadow the clothes.
Pejic is all too aware of the fickle nature of the fashion business. He plans to attend college eventually, having deferred his acceptance to a university in Australia. If fashion doesn't work out, he'd like to go back to school and major in economics or law.
Although open to discussing almost anything, Pejic remains secretive about his sexual orientation. When asked whether he prefers men or women, he coyly smiles.
"Love has no boundaries," he says.
Photo By Richard Drew
2012年4月8日 星期日
2012-3-16 Moda. Intervista ad Andrej Pejic il modello androgeno che sembra donna. 。✍
Newscaster: Andrej is a male model but when it’s necessary he is also a female model, and we’ve met him.
Irene: “Andrej, hi”….if you knew how much it is strange to meet him one night in Milan after two hours of make up & hairstyle…”I’ve never waited a man for such a long time.”
Andrej: Really?
Irene: ‘He is Andrej, the male model most beautiful at all!’
Andrej: Andrej Pejic…
Irene: Androgynous - in Italian, “uomA” if you like it * it means/sounds like “femiman”* In any case he is a breathtaking creature, His Majesty of the ambiguous on the catwalk & in the advertisements.
Andrej: I think it’s fair to maintain an aura of mystery, today I think celebrities but also the common people, give away itself too much & too fast
Irene: He leaves you the doubt, he is also a testimonial of a push up lingerie… And how he laughs about it! “Tell me something about this push-up please!”
Andrej: *Laughs*
Irene: In Italy he will walk for the first time, for Silvian Heach as a female model, for the next women Autumn-winter collection. It’s a big provocation!
Silvian: In reality it’s more than a provocation, it’s a very precise message, we want to say: Freedom of idea and sex for all!
Irene: And when Andrej is on the photoshoot’s set in a square in the center of Milan, the debate rages among the people and the crowd.
Man: No, it’s okay… I have no prejudice…so…the fact is that I & the gentleman, we have made a bet…
Irene: With whom?
2nd Man: Since he (Andrej) is a male, what do you think??
Woman: Ah, is he seriously a male?
2nd Man: Ehh… I don’t know…
Irene: How?
2nd Woman: But (s/he) is not a male…
Irene: Ehhh…YES!
2nd Woman: But it’s impossible! (S)he is so perfect!
Translation by @morgana17_69
2012年4月7日 星期六
2012-2-2 Fashion Boy
Ella Alexander
ANDREJ PEJIC is the subject of a new song, entitled Fashion Boy.
Written by London-based musician and singer Victoria Aitken, the dance tune features a remix by Madonna and Lady Gaga's music producers, Bimbo Jones.
"As a muse to my latest single, Andre has taken us to territory we haven't chartered before," said Aitken. "I'm absolutely mad about him!"
Lyrics to the upbeat, fast-paced track include "He has the kind of smile that makes the girls go wild - he's the king of style", and a chorus that reads, "Fashion boy, I've seen it all before, but you give me more".
Aitkens is known for her tongue-in-cheek songwriting, having previously penned songs that referenced her upbringing as daughter to former Conservative MP, Jonathan Aitken - one of which was called Jenny From The Yacht.
2012-2 Inedito Andrej: a Melbourne con la mamma
Si può essere una icona mondiale e mantenere i piedi per terra. Lo dimostra Andrej Pejic che proprio mentre il mondo fashion parla del suo contratto appena firmato con Jean Paul Gaultier, come testimonial mondiale del profumo per uomo Kocorico, è volato a casa a Melbourne per trascorrere qualche giorno in famiglia. Andrej è da mesi il modello più richiesto grazie al suo look che scavalca i generi: infatti è il primo nella storia a sfilare sia per le collezioni maschili che per quelle femminili, adorato da stilisti come Gaultier appunto, Marc Jacobs e dalle riviste patinate. Giocando sulla sua ambiguità Andrej ha infranto le regole del business ottenendo un immenso successo e ora per questa campagna beauty segretissima non si sa se indosserà abiti maschili o femminili. Ma malgrado il successo e i soldi Andrej non dimenticando le sue origini. Nato in Bosnia, durante la guerra ha vissuto con la madre Jadranka, che è serba, la nonna e il fratello in un campo profughi vicino a Belgrado. Dopo i bombardamenti della Nato la madre decise di chiedere lo status di rifugiati politici a Melbourne, in Australia, e dagli otto anni Andrej ha sempre vissuto lì. E oggi che è sempre in giro per il mondo torna regolarmente dalla madre e dalla nonna alle quali è legatissimo.
(Foto Splashnews)
就當是看看私下的的穿搭風格吧。 至少我覺得簡單的好看。 (比起披披掛掛和一堆飾品來說)
Maschio o femmina? Andrej mischia i generi e scardina le regole del mondo della moda
2011-12-18 Mama Andreja Pejića: "Skoči mi pritisak kad čitam komentare o mom sinu"
O tome kakav je bio kao dete i kako je ona prihvatila njegovu različitost, govori Jadranka Savić, mama najzaposlenijeg svetskog modela.
Kakav je Andrej bio kao dete? Da li je bio nemiran i sa čim je voleo da se igra?
- Andrej je bio zlatno dete, za razliku od svog brata Igora, koji je bio hiperaktivan. Bio je uvek izvanredan đak, odgovoran i temeljan, a voleo je da se igra sa devojčicama radije nego sa dečacima. Zbog toga je imao problema s bratom, koji je insistirao na fudbalu, kartama. Dok je Igor zdušno vežbao kate na karate treningu, Andrej je sa pet-šest godina bio zainteresovan za to kako mu stoji
kosica, a tu katu bi nekako preživeo.
Kada smo mu kupovali neke figurice superheroja, mislim da su tada bili popularni rendžeri, on je uvek birao žensku verziju, u nekoj roze borilačkoj uniformi, što je opet dovodilo Igora do ludila. On je insistirao na najjačem mišićavom borcu - belom moćnom rendžeru.
Kada je svojim izgledom počeo da se izdvaja od svojih vršnjaka i kako ste vi gledali na to?
- Majčino srce oseti sve u vezi sa decom, pa i kada su u pitanje razlike ili neke specifičnosti. Andrej je eksplodirao kao tinejdžer, i to na svim frontovima. Od mirnog, povučenog deteta, uzornog đaka, divnog sina i unuka, pretvorio se u tinejdžera koji je sve hteo da proba, da eksperimentiše, da ide na žurke, da ostaje kasno. Eksperimentisao je sa bojom kose, pink, blond, crna, pustio je dugu, oblačio sve neke uske pantalone. Njegova sreća je što je išao u školu koja veoma liči na našu gimnaziju, koju sam i ja završila, gde nije bilo uniforme, što je ovde retkost, gde je mogao da se obuče kako je hteo.
Bilo je mnogo alternativaca i pre njega u tom ambijentu, a istu školu je završila
Igor i Andrej kada su bili mali
i Olivija Njutn Džon. Za Andreja kažu da je sada on drugi po popularnosti iz te škole. Tamo nikome nije smetalo kako on izgleda, a mnogima je to bilo simpatično. A i stariji brat Igor je bio tamo, pa su se bojali, sve i da su hteli da napakoste Andreju.
Profesori nisu reagovali jer je bio dobar đak, jako inteligentan i obrazovan. Prilično iznad svojih vršnjaka. Meni je u početku bilo neobično, bilo je i prepirki, svađa, a onda sam prihvatila i sama mu pomagala da se ofarba.
Da li ste od početka podržavali to što se poigravao sa svojim izgledom?- Kao što rekoh, bilo je skokova, insistiranja na umerenosti, a najviše sam se bojala da u gradskom prevozu ne doživi neku neprijatnost. Ljudi različito gledaju na te stvari i dovoljan je jedan eksces pa da ostavi traumu za čitav život.
Dva odrasla brata: Andrej i Igor u Melburnu
Da li vam danas smeta kada pročitate zlonemarne komentare o njegovom izgledu?
- Oh, na početku je bilo jako teško. Pročitam članak na srpskom ili nekom drugom našem jeziku, nekako ga progutam, ali kad vidim komentare čitalaca, uzrujam se. Andrej mi je zabranio da ih čitam jer mi dižu pritisak, a to za moje zdravlje nije dobro. Da se utešim, otvorim inostrane novine i sajtove i saznam da zapravo imam najlepše dete na planeti i uz to šarmantno, duhovito, obrazovano, zrelo. Eto, stranci me uteše, nažalost.
Andrej kao tinejdžer
Ima li među prijateljima i rodbinom onih koji su vas kritikovali zbog toga što ga podržavate da bude drugačiji?
- Eh, kao da bi meni ikad iko smeo nešto da kaže za decu?! Direktno, nikada - znaju me! Kada su deca u pitanju, tigrica mi nije ravna.
Još je tu i Igor, visoki, snažni brat koji bi život dao za njega. A ljudi šta misle i govore iza leđa, to je njihova stvar. Verujem da veći deo rodbine u čudu i s nerazumevanjem gleda na sve to. Ali ja se ne ljutim, gde su se oni mogli edukovati, kako oni mogu razumeti da se ljudi rađaju različiti.
Glavni model na jednoj od revija
Kako da od njih to očekujem kad čuvena hrvatska književnica, koju sam rado
Da li liče Andrej i njegov brat?
- Kada su bili mali, bili su kao blizanci, a delila su ih 22 meseca. Igor je bio onaj koji je bio lepotan u porodici, a Andrej je bio slatkiš. Onda je Andrej postao tinejdžer i velika konkurencija bratu. U stvari, preuzeo je njegov tron. I sada dosta liče, ali je Igor krupan, nabildovan, sportski tip. Traže ga za modela, ali on nikako da se nakani.
Odlazite li na revije?
- Bila sam u Melburnu i Sidneju, a u inostranstvu ne, jer ja ovde radim i kad želim da ga vidim, radije odem u ono vreme kada je slobodan da imamo vremena jedno za drugo. Uželimo se u toku godine. Sam mi je u dalekom svetu i srce me boli zbog toga.
2011-12-17 I'm a celebrity, get me into the race!
Pejic, one of the world's most in demand male models who is famed for his gender bending image, wants to put the pedal to the metal on the Grand Prix circuit in March.
"I really want the Australian Grand Prix to ask me to do the celebrity race," Pejic said yesterday.
"Unfortunately I only have my learners, but maybe my mum can sit next to me."
With a bit of driver training by the Grand Prix gurus, there's no doubt Pejic could whiz around the Albert Park circuit with the actors, presenters and sporting types that usually get a drive in the popular celebrity race.
Pejic, who sent fashion circles into a spin after his campaign for a Danish lingerie company was released last week, has a number of diverse ambitions for the new year.
"I really hope to get a one-way ticket to Bollywood," he said, hinting at acting plans.
"I'm wanting to branch out - become a business person, enjoy the world for hopefully one more year before it
descends into chaos. And I want to look at opportunities to come home (to Melbourne) more."
Pejic, whose fragile beauty and feminine ways have seen him appear as a bride on the catwalks of Paris and wear a pencil skirt to meet the Queen at Buckingham Palace, won't be Down Under for Christmas.
Rather, the star of the Chadwick models team, will spend the festive season and New Year's in Rio de Janeiro.
"I have known Andrej for around nine years; he's a family friend from back in Melbourne," Conroy told us as he straightened Pejic's long blonde locks. "I've been looking after Andrej's hair for around two years since he arrived in London. He's such a beautiful person inside and out I'm really blessed to have him as a friend."
So, when travelling around the world working with designers fromJean Paul Gaultier to Marc Jacobs, does Pejic heed his friend's advice to allow his hair to recover from the styling his job requires?
"No!" Pejic laughed. "I like to tease it up a bit," he said, prompting eye-rolling from Conroy, before admitting his must-have products paradoxically included "conditioner" and "bleach".
And the secret to his peachy-perfect skin is affordable too: "coconut oil".
YOU SHOULD SEE: Pejic's favourite supermodels...
YOU SHOULD SEE: When Pejic met The Queen...
2012年4月2日 星期一
2012年4月1日 星期日
2011-3-31 Wraps off reno that promises a retail kick for Myer
Amid the new champagne bar and retro chic of Mural Hall, the happiest man in Myer was chief executive Bernie Brookes, who estimates the renovation has cost him $80 million in lost annual sales for the past three years.
"We think the store will give us a real kick," he said yesterday. "For the full trading year, we now expect to get back to a $300m annual turnover figure for Myer Melbourne compared to the $220m run-rate we have been doing through the refurbishment process.
"We have had a soft opening going for the past two weeks and already believe we are on target to get back to that $300m figure.
"I am very pleased with the progress so far."
The dramatic facelift has coincided with fickle times for retailers. Mr Brookes said consumer sentiment remained a "week by week" proposition, aided since the soft opening by a mini-boom in cosmetics and women's wear.
Women's wear is familiar to Pejic, who caused a stir in Paris this year when he closed the Jean-Paul Gaultier show dressed as a bride. Yesterday, he opted for a suit by designer Arthur Galan.
Mr Brookes led media on a tour of the shopping and event spaces expected to attract 25 million-plus visitors a year.
2011-3-31 Oh Myer, what a celebrity line-up for Bourke St re-launch
Models Jessica Hart, Andrej Pejic and Jennifer Hawkins are part of Myer's Bourke St store re-launch. Picture: Alex Coppel Source: Herald Sun
A HAND-picked who's who of Australian fashion, politics, music and entertainment will hit the black carpet tonight for Myer's Bourke St store re-launch.
Bert and Patti Newton, Packed to the Rafters stars Zoe Ventoura and Hugh Sheridan, Natalie Bassingthwaighte, newsreader Jo Hall, Livinia Nixon, Molly Meldrum and Derryn Hinch will join Steve and Terry Bracks, Jeff Kennett and Grant Hackett at the star-studded launch.
Yesterday Myer's man of the moment, Andrej Pejic created a storm as he lined up with Myer chief executive Bernie Brookes and store ambassadors Jennifer Hawkins and Jess Hart to toast tonight's opening.
Pejic sent a special message to another Broadmeadows boy, Eddie McGuire. "Um, I love you Eddie," he said.
2010-1019 Model Andrej Pejic in Tokyo
Nothing beats building buzz than having a top model in town for Japan Fashion Week. This year it’s in the beautiful shape of Andrej Pejic who made a huge impression during Paris fashion week earlier this year (see our report here).
Since then he has built on his editorial and Ad’ campaign experience, and now finds himself in Tokyo. We know of two shows he’s confirmed to be walking in during Japan Fashion week in Tokyo this season, although we’re not at liberty to disclose which yet. While in town Andrej is being represented by BRAVO MODELS.
2011-2-21 Know Transgender Model in the world, Andrej Pejic
連結是該篇的原始連結吧! 因為我不是很確定,所以還是放這個原始網址。
2011-1-12 Andrej Pejic, Fashion's Ne 7 mp3 player outlet onl
They waited for the economy to recover, and for Pejic to graduate, before sending him to Paris in the middle of 2010. Not long after, Pejic was booked to walk in Jean-Paul Gaultier’s Fall show, where he wore a pair of revealing navy blue hot pants. He was spotted by French’s Vogue’s then-editor, Carine Roitfeld, who promptly booked him for a spread in her magazine. Since then, Pejic has appeared in a slew of editorials, from Italian Vogue to the transgender magazine Candy. His slate is filling up quickly for the upcoming season, but according to Arnaud V., his booker at the New Madison agency in Paris, “some designers are a little scared to go for this image of very androgynous. Some people aren’t ready for him yet.”
Pejic and his family fled Bosnia for Serbia when he was 2 months old. He remembers the NATO bombings of Yugoslavia as a child. At age 8, his family left for Australia, where they settled in Broadmeadows, a rough neighborhood in the suburbs of Melbourne.
Pejic says he knew he looked like a girl from the minute he “came out of the womb and looked in a mirror.” His transition to Australia was a difficult one, as he was forced to learn English and integrate with students who weren’t like him.
But Pejic insists that for all his physical differences, he was never bullied by his peers—and instead felt only the he was the subject of “curiosity “A lot of macho guys did think of me as a girl,” he says of his high school years.
“Though I can’t really say that it was ever a bad thing. All I’ll say is…a lot of free drinks!
“We were trying to show the nudity of the sexes, that a man could look like a woman and a woman could look like a man,” says Turkish Vogue’s editor in chief, Seda Dominic, who chose him for a spread. “The line between the sexes is becoming more and more blurred. Fashion is all about providing people with choices. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman.”
According to Elias Bailey, who runs a similar blog called Fuck Yeah Men With Long Hair, Pejic’s surge in popularity sends a hopeful message that beauty is moving beyond gender classifications. “I don’t see him as merely a boy who looks kind of like a girl, but as someone whose physical sex is truly of no consequence to his beauty,” he says. “I really do hope that this trend signals a real shift in the way that people think about androgyny. For those of us who are androgynous and ordinary people, not models or rock stars, it’d be nice if people started being more tolerant of us.”
If this is Pejic’s moment, it’s certainly well-timed. The fashion industry is warming to gender neutrality, and transsexual models and spreads are finding their way into the mainstream. Last month, The New York Times said that “2010 will be remembered as the year of the transsexual.” For Pejic’s part, this translates to steady work. For one thing, he can be cast in editorials and ads as either a woman or a man. But his treatment in print is often a case of art-without-a-frame. Marc Jacobs’ recent campaign featured him in men’s clothes, but Pejic usually appears in women’s apparel—sometimes, without any evidence that he’s really a guy. Often, he’s fully disguised as a woman, and the statement eludes the reader. So what’s the point?
Gallery: Fashion Model Andrej Pejic
And that he wasn’t just anybody. He was Andrej Pejic, a 19-year-old male model who has taken the fashion industry by storm. He has Cindy Crawford’s face and Kate Moss’ body—give or take a few parts. He debuted in Jean-Paul Gaultier’s Paris show year, and since then has appeared in three consecutive spreads in French Vogue, Italian Vogue, and Turkish Vogue. Last week, he was unveiled as the face of Marc Jacobs’ spring 2011 campaign and will appear in Gaultier’s spring ads alongside his female doppelganger—the supermodel Karolina Kurkova. According to sources, he is on the top of every casting agent’s list for the men’s shows, which begin in Paris next week.
In many ways, his career has been just that: capitalizing on curiosity. In 2009, Pejic found his way to Chadwick Models in Melbourne, where he was interviewed and instantly signed. “I knew at the time we had someone potentially very big on our hands,” says Matthew Anderson, manager of Chadwick’s Melbourne office. Even in telling the story of Pejic, Anderson sets it against the backdrop of the global economic crisis—a kid who happened to be in the right place at the right time. He says that Pejic came to the agency in the middle of the meltdown, a time when fashion advertisers wanted “strong men” to convey a message of financial security. “In times of economic prosperity, clients can afford to use people that are using people that a little more interesting,” Anderson says. “We had this really interesting boy on our hands. So we thought let him finish high school first.”
Pejic declined to answer a question asking whether he identified as LGBTQ—and, when asked if he has a boyfriend or a girlfriend, responded: “I have Paris and I have dessert wine.” When he dresses himself, Pejic occasionally chooses to wear heels and makeup. “I like to dress up but I’m not so concerned with looking very sexy, it’s really more the art of dressing,” he says. He has not had any kind of surgery—but wouldn’t rule it out. “I’ve never had any operations,” he says. “I’m not opposed to any plastic surgery, but until now I haven’t had any.” When asked by a Serbian news station if she has a granddaughter or a grandson, Pejic’s grandmother simply laughs: “I have both!”
Damon Baker, a 19-year-old British photographer, went into a dark karaoke bar in Covent Garden last summer. In the back of the smoky club, he saw a woman with high cheekbones, long platinum blond hair, and wide-set blue eyes. She was, as he puts it, “the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen in your life.” They started flirting. Only a few minutes into their conversation did Baker realize: She was a he.
NEW YORK – The new face of Marc Jacobs has Cindy Crawford's bone structure and Kate Moss' body—but
Andrej Pejic is a 19-year-old Serbian boy. Isabel Wilkinson on the fashion industry's androgynous new trend.
Pejic is being revered by the fashion industry, but it’s clear that something about him is sticking with the general public, as well.
He’s developed a large online following, and there are a number of fan sites dedicated to him.
A three-month-old blog called Fuck Yeah Andrej Pejic is run by Carla Mendoza, a 17-year-old who follows Pejic’s exploits in Tokyo and Paris from her home in Canada.
“Andrej knows people are not quite comfortable in what he does and he still does it,” says Mendoza. “He affects my perspective of how I think of myself, and my self-esteem, by the way he deals with criticisms in his work. I’m a woman. But because of him, he inspires me to be more feminine myself. If a guy can be more beautiful, I can be more beautiful too.”
Pejic makes an effort to return to regularly visit his parents in Australia, where his mother is a teacher and his father works in tourism. “I would love to bring my mum to see me in shows and travel Europe with me because she has done so, so much for me,” he says. Pejic says he’d like to study law, medicine, or economics at university one day, and also wants to “do a movie and then retire.”
2019-5-24 Sunday Life
3、4月時,Andreja曾待在澳洲一段時間 當時也有看到分享一些拍攝中的影片,這個就是當時之一。
Emily Power From: Herald Sun March 23, 2011 12:00AM Andrej Pejic (right) will wear shimmering gold trousers (left) designed by Yeojin B...
Photographed by @georgesantoni Hair by @darenborthwick Makeup by @rossandrewartha #chadwickmodels #chadwickwomen @andr...