2012年4月30日 星期一

2012-2-10 Andrej Pejic: 10 things you should know about Fashion Week’s androgynous model✍

1. Pejic is not transgendered.

While he often wears women’s clothing and doesn’t mind when people mistake him for a girl, he has no desire to actually become one. Androgyny and cross-dressing do not make him transgendered — for that, he would have to identify as the opposite sex. Pejic still identifies as a man. 

He told New York Magazine: “I know people want me to sort of defend myself, to sit here and be like, ‘I’m a boy, but I wear makeup sometimes.’ But, you know, to me, it doesn’t really matter. I don’t really have that sort of strong gender identity — I identify as what I am. The fact that people are using it for creative or marketing purposes, it’s just kind of like having a skill and using it to earn money.”



2. He wasn’t always so glamorous.Pejic worked at a McDonalds and cleaned toilets in a strip club. 

2.生活並非總是光鮮亮麗。Pejic曾在 McDonalds打工和脫衣舞孃俱樂部當清潔員。

3. Pejic and his family are Bosnian refugees.
He was born to a Serbian mother and a Croatian father. His mother fled to Serbia with her children, and they were granted refu­gee status to move to Melbourne, Australia, where Pejic grew up. His father stayed behind. 


4. Pejic became famous for modeling a push-up bra...
To demonstrate just how well their push-up bra works, Dutch retail chain HEMA hired a model without breasts — Pejic — to wear it. He wore the bra under several figure-hugging dresses. 

4.Pejic是魔術胸罩的知名代言人... 為了證明自己的產品,荷蘭連鎖百貨HEMA請了平胸的Pejic證明穿著效果。

5. ...and a wedding dress.
Pejic was honored with the showpiece of the Jean Paul Gaultier womenswear show last year — he wore the designer’s see-through wedding dress. He also wore a more conventional bridal look on the cover of Out, where he was awarded “Stylemaker of the Year.”

5......婚紗。去年的Jean Paul Gaultier的女裝秀上,Pejic穿著了該位設計師的作品出現在伸展台上,看起來就像個新娘。也曾如傳統新娘一般的造型出現在Out雜誌封面上,被封為"年度Stylemaker "

6. His biggest problem? His shoe size.
Pejic is 6-foot-1, and a women’s size two to four — but his shoe size is a women’s 11. Since it’s a rare size for women, he’s forced to squeeze his feet into a women’s size 10 to walk in shows. 

6.他最大的難題? 鞋子的尺寸。Pejic有6英呎1的身高, 而女性鞋碼在2-4碼間。而他的女用鞋則是11號。在女鞋上這是罕見的,所以走秀時,常得把雙腳擠進10碼的鞋子裡。

7. Pejic was named the 98th sexiest woman in the world by FHM.
The designation was an offensive one — macho mag FHM called him a ”thing,” and, in reference to his androgyny, said “Pass the sick bucket.” The article was later removed from FHM’s Web site.  

Pejic曾入選FHM雜誌的票選百大性感女性第98名。但該雜誌卻在事後稱他"the thing",並說他的雙性化是"Pass the sick bucket"後來FHM將這篇文章從網站上撤下。

8. His torso was censored by Barnes & Noble and Borders.
When Pejic made the cover of Dossier, the bookstores made the magazine sell that issue in an opaque bag to cover up a shirtless image of the model — even though men’s chests show up on magazine covers all the time. “There's this expectation that men are masculine, and that women are feminine, and have bodies that can be recognized as female,” says Paisley Currah, a professor of political science at Brooklyn College and the author of the upcoming book United States of Gender, to the Daily Beast. “So Andrej, who is being presented socially as a woman, but whose body is a man, upsets those expectations. And he raises everyone's anxieties about gender as a result.”

8.他曾被Barnes & Noble和Borders兩大連鎖書店下架雜誌。
當Pejic出現在Dossier雜誌封面,兩大書店用不透明封套遮掩雜誌,盡管-雜誌常有男性袒胸露背的封面。"人們對性別有某種印象,男性陽剛,女性陰柔。而這可能會被視為一位袒胸露背的女性"即將出版新書United States of Gender的紐約布魯克林政治學教授 Paisley Currah說。"所以Andrej可能會被視為男性身體的女人,這會造成大家對性別的混淆和困惑。

9. He wore a skirt to meet the Queen of England.
When invited to Buckingham Palace, Pejic chose a Paul Smith blazer, Issey Miyake shirt, vintage Versace pencil skirt, his mother’s belt from the ’80s, and Toni Blanco shoes. He said it was inspired by “Sharon Stone, with a little bit ’90s.” Grazia magazine called the ensemble “modest and smart, but very beautiful ... a resounding success.”

9.他會見英國女王時是穿著裙子。 當被邀請至白金漢宮時,Pejic選擇了Paul Smith西裝外套、三宅一生的襯衫配上vintage Versace鉛筆裙和他母親80年代腰帶及一雙Toni Blanco鞋。他說靈感來自Sharon Stone和一點90年代風格。被Grazia雜誌稱讚"謙虛和聰慧,出色的外貌......一個極大的成功。

10. Pejic likes to play tricks.
Joking about how Victoria’s Secret models have babies and go back to the runway with their original bodies just weeks later, Pejic jokes to New York magazine that he wanted to do the same thing, but in one day. He bought a fake pregnancy belly, but was prohibited from wearing it at a Brazilian airport. His Twitter account is full of sarcastic quips like, “I feel like Christina Aguilera is a blonde version of Snooki these days.” However, he can also get serious, often tweeting about politics and international affairs as often as he tweets about fashion.

在開了VS的模特懷孕後又立即回復身型重返伸展台的玩笑後的兩週,Pejic像紐約雜誌笑稱希望自己也能如此的同一天,他買了一個假扮懷孕肚子,在巴西機場入境時被攔了下來。他的Twitter帳戶充滿嘲諷幽默,例"我覺得Christina Aguilera最近像金髮碧眼的Snooki。"同時他也有對國際政治議題深沉的一面,以及時尚訊息。




2019-5-24 Sunday Life

3、4月時,Andreja曾待在澳洲一段時間 當時也有看到分享一些拍攝中的影片,這個就是當時之一。