2013年11月20日 星期三

2012-5-20 Andrej Pejić: Ja sam ono što jesam

Story: Da li vas privlače muškarci ili žene?
- To bih želeo da sačuvam za sebe. Prvenstveno volim ljude, a svako može da misli šta želi na tu temu. Jednostavno nisam od onih koji moraju da priznaju kakvo je njihovo seksualno opredeljenje. Možda me podjednako privlače i muškarci i žene.

Story: Prilaze li vam mladići?
- Da, oduvek su mi prilazili mladići.

Story: Kako reaguju kada im kažete da ste muškarac?
- Kada sam u provodu, obično stojim sa ljudima sa kojima sam došao i ponašam se onako kako mi se sviđa. Nekada se dopadnem muškarcima koji misle da sam devojka, a nekada i pripadnicama nežnijeg pola. Često se, kada je reč o tome, šalim sa društvom, ali nikada nisam nikoga pokušao da prevarim i izigram na račun toga što neko u prvom trenutku ne zna da li sam dečko ili devojka.

Story: Jeste li razmišljali o promeni pola i da li ste se do sada podvrgli nekim operacijama?
- Nisam imao nikakve operacije, ali sam upućen šta se dešava u svetu estetske hirurgije.

Story: Mislite li da ste lepi?
- Da, mislim da sam atraktivna osoba, ali ne i da sam savršen. Nezadovoljan sam mnogim stvarima, ali sam isto tako mnogim stvarima i zadovoljan.

Story: Kada ste počeli da eksperimentišete sa svojim izgledom?
- Kada sam imao trinaest godina pohađao sam liberalnu školu čiji je program insistirao na umetnosti. Moje društvo bilo je fenomenalno i dosta otvoreno za razne stvari, neopterećeno bilo kakvim ograničenjima. Ponesen takvom atmosferom i sam sam postao slobodan i odlučio sam da radim ono što mi prija, tačnije počeo sam da eksperimentišem sa svojim izgledom. Ofarbao sam kosu u plavo i naučio da se šminkam.

Story: Kako je izgledalo vaše detinjstvo?
- Bio sam drugačiji, oduvek sam u sebi znao da ne mogu da se uklopim u stereotip. Ja sam ono što jesam.

Story: Da li su vas vršnjaci ismejavali?
- Razumeo sam se sa svojim drugarima. Svako je imao svoj stil i različ ita interesovanja, tako da nije bilo mesta za ismejavanje.

Story: Kako je vaša porodica reagovala na vaš izgled?
- Moja porodica nije najmodernijih i najotvorenijih shvatanja, ali svakako su ljudi koji bezgranično vole svoju decu i bitna im je samo njihova sreća. Nisam imao problema što sam drugačiji, za razliku od nekih ljudi koji su imali drugačija, ružnija iskustva od mojih.

Story: Da li sebe doživljavate kao muškarca ili kao ženu?
- Od rođenja sam on, ali sada u meni postoji balans između ta dva pola.

Story: Koliko vas je slava razmazila i uljuljkala?
- Ostao sam apsolutno isti. Sve mi je zanimljivo, a jedina promena jeste to novo iskustvo za koje sam bogatiji.

Story: Kakvi ste vi privatno?
- Ne razlikujem se od svojih vršnjaka, osim što drugačije izgledam. Umem da budem stidljiv, ali i da se opustim kada sam sa svojim društvom. Muče me razni problemi, nasmeju me komične situacije...

Story: Šta je presudilo da počnete da se bavite manekenstvom?
- Kada sam imao šesnaest godina, tražio sam prvi posao i mislio sam da bi mi moda bila interesantnija od rada u McDonaldsu ili nekom drugom lokalu brze hrane. Imao sam drugaricu koja je radila u jednoj modnoj agenciji i sasvim slučajno sam sa njom ušao u njihove prostorije i tada su me videli. Odmah su me angažovali da radim u Australiji, a potom i u Evropi.


Story: Kako na vas gledaju kolege I koleginice?
- Fotografi i dizajneri često komentarišu moj izgled, ali veoma im se dopadam. Kada sam se prvi put pojavio u Evropi, modni skauti su mi rekli da je odlično što izgledam drugačije, ali nisu mogli da mi garantuju da ću proći. Rečeno mi je da mogu da doživim veliki uspeh ili veliki neuspeh. Na početku moje karijere fotografi su imali problema da odgonetnu moj izgled i pokušavali su da istaknu moju mušku figuru. Sad mislim da se igraju kamerom i pokušavaju da iz mene izvuku feminiziranu stranu, a ja sa tim nemam nikakvih problema.


Story: Koliko je posao manekena naporan?
- Više nego što ljudi misle i više nego što sam to i sam mislio. Naporna su snimanja jer treba da dočarate ideju koja nije u potpunosti vaša, prinuđeni ste da se prilagodite svima, fotografima, stilistima... Nije uvek lako izneti ono što oni traže, odglumiti različite emocije. Snimanja nekad traju satima, nezavisno od vremenskih uslova. Kada dođu pripreme za Nedelje mode, stalno moramo da odlazimo na desetine proba koje su uvek u različitim delovima istog grada.


Andrej Pejic: I am what I am

Story Magazin

Currently the undisputed ruler of world fashion runways Andrej Pejic, the sex is male, but he looks like a woman, making him mostly treated as a gay, but he does not want to define his sexual orientation 

In some ways this is the Cinderella story. Since working in fast food chain, Andrej Pejic (21) has became a world star. Some go so far and say that he is the most famous Serbian next to Novak Djokovic. What is undeniably true is the fact that Andrej Pejic was born in 1991 in the mountainous Balkans, where due to the war he moved to Australia where he grew up, and grown into a girl that everyone wants at the moment. Although this statement sounds absurd, it is true, because he is the most wanted androgynous model. Neither male nor female, but in fact is both male and female. The documents under paragraph states that he is the man, but he looks like a girl. It can be argued that the perception of reality with a little playing with nature, and a little show business. That is why the majority believes that Andrej is gay although he does not declare as either bisexual or a homosexual or heterosexual. The phenomenon of this guy for three years is so intrigued by various public media world, television, newspapers, internet portals and real stories about him. Vogue, Elle, Haper's Bazaar write about Andrej. The only thing left to make a complete fairy tale is that Andrej finds a Prince or Princess and live happily ever after..


Story: Are you attracted to men or women?
- I would like to save it for myself. First of all I love people, and everyone can think what they want on the subject. Just not one of those who have to recognize what their sexual orientation. Perhaps I am equally attracted to both men and women.


Story: Do the boys approach you?
- Yes, I have always been approached by young men.


Story: How do they react when you tell them you're a man?
- When I was partying, I usually stand with the people I came with and act the way I like.
It used to appeal to men who think I'm a girl, and sometimes the participants of the gentler sex. Often, when speaking about it, joking with friends, but I never tried to deceive anyone and deceive at the expense of having someone who did not know whether I'm a guy or girl at first.


Story: Have you thought about sex change, and whether you have been subjected to some operations?
- I have not had any surgery, but I sent what is happening in the world of cosmetic surgery.


Story: Do you think you are handsome?
- Yes, I think I'm an attractive person, but I'm not perfect. I am dissatisfied with many things, but I am also pleased with many things.


Story: When did you start experimenting with your looks?
- When I was thirteen, I attended school, I'm a liberal who has insisted on the art program. My friends was phenomenal, and quite open to different things, unencumbered by any restrictions. Carried away by such an atmosphere, and I have become free, and I decided to do what suits me, exactly, I started to experiment with my looks. Dyed my hair blue and learned to do make up.


Story: How did your childhood look like?
- I was different, I always knew with myself that I can not fit a stereotype. I am what I am.

Story: Are your peers mocking you?
- I understand it with my friends. Each had its own distinct style and interests, so there was no room for mockery.

Story: How did your family react to your appearance?
- My family is not the most modern and open to ideas, but certainly they are people with boundless love to their children and their happiness. I had a different problem, unlike some people who have had a different, uglier than my experience.


Story: Do you perceive yourself as a man or a woman?
- From birth I have it, but now the menu is a balance between these two poles.

Story: How much of you spoiled and enjoy the fame?
- I remain absolutely the same. Everything is interesting, and the only change is a new experience for which I am richer.

Story: How is your private life?
- It is not different from my peers, except that a different look. I can be shy, but also relax when I'm with my friends. I am bothered by various problems, I laugh the comic situation ...

Story: What was the reason that you begun to deal with modeling?
- When I was sixteen, I was looking for first job and I thought that I would be more interesting to work in McDonalds or another fast food café. I had a friend who worked at a modeling agency and by accident he came to my room and then he saw me. Immediately I was hired to work in Australia and then in Europe.


Story: How do you see your colleagues?
- Photographers and designers often comment on my appearance, but they really like me. When I first appeared in Europe, fashion scouts have told me it was great that I look different, but they could not guarantee that I'll pass. I was told that I may experience great success or great failure. At the beginning of my career, photographers have had problems to figure out my appearance and tried to emphasize on my male figure. Now I think I can play to the camera and try to get away from my feminine side, and with that I have no problems.


Story: How hard is the model job?

- More than people think and more than I have thought. Strenuous because the photoshooting is to demonstrate the idea that is not entirely your own, you are forced to adjust to everyone, photographers, stylists ... It is not always easy to put forward what they're looking for, fake emotions. Photoshooting sometimes lasts for hours, regardless of weather conditions. When you come to prepare for Fashion Week, we have to constantly go to dozens of castings that are always in different parts of the same city.



2019-5-24 Sunday Life

3、4月時,Andreja曾待在澳洲一段時間 當時也有看到分享一些拍攝中的影片,這個就是當時之一。