2014年9月26日 星期五

2014-9-15 reddit - I am model Andreja Pejic, Ask Me Anything.

[–]Eternally65 360 指標 10  


Which are easier and/or more fun to model, men's clothes or women's clothes?表單的底部

[–]AndrejaPejic[S] 550 指標 10  


Which is easier - well I can only speak for my personal experience, I was always drawn to more feminine things, so I felt a lot more comfortable in women's clothes and enjoyed them more. But there's something really cool about dressing as the opposite gender too. So I've enjoyed both.


哪個比較舒適 - 恩,這只是我的個人經驗,我比較傾向被一些女性化的東西吸引,所以女性服是對我來說更加自在。但相對的男性服飾也有一些很酷衣服。所以我兩者都喜歡。

[–]beernerd 564 指標 10  


Since you're probably the only person who truly knows, how would you say the treatment differs between male and female models in the industry? Have you noticed any dramatic changes?表單的底部

[–]AndrejaPejic[S] 754 指標 10  


Yeah, there's a big difference between how male models & female models are treated.

Definitely female models are at a higher level in the industry, it's a business, so women definitely dominate. I think male modeling is still developing and to be a male model is still developing, whereas to be a female model is very much developed.

你可能是對這問題真正透徹了解的人了,男女模在這產業裡有什麼差別待遇? 是否有什麼戲劇性的變化?

沒錯,男模與女模之間的有個很大的差別。 在這產業裡,女模的地位絕對較高也較具有優勢。我認為不管是男性市場還是男模工作都還處在開發中的階段,而女模市場絕對要成熟多了。

[–]JaiOhBe 2687 指標 10  


Wanna go out with me? I've got a coupon for the Olive Garden.


[–]AndrejaPejic[S] 2570 指標 10  



I like Red Lobster better.

跟我出去好嗎? 我手上有Olive Garden的招待劵。


我更中意Red Lobster。

[–]Kether2Malkuth 833 指標 10  


Andreja, please forgive me for asking three questions but I'm such a huge fan!

1) How was it working with David Bowie, especially considering that he is essentially the godfather of modern Androgyny? Also, was he super cool?

2) Did your status as the poster child for androgyny make your public transition any easier or did you find it more difficult?

3) I've wanted to transition for quite some time now and your existence and courage has helped me so much but I think that it would be difficult as I am 6'4" and would probably never be able to be recognised for who I am in public. As someone who is quite tall yourself, especially for a woman, has this affected how you have been seen as far as your androgyny and identity?

Thanks so much for being out there, Andreja. You're really an inspiration! I can't wait for the film!

Also, your jewelry line is so gorgeous. x_X



[–]AndrejaPejic[S] 1014 指標 10  


1) He was EXTREMELY cool. So down to earth. For me, it was a dream come true. When I was younger, in 2000s, there weren't a lot of androgynous icons at the time, so i had to look to the past, to people like David Bowie, and I just thought androgyny was the coolest thing at the time. He's the king of it, it was a dream come true.

2) I would say... transitioning publicly is definitely not the most favorable option. I think it comes with challenges that, you know, can be overcome if you live a private life. I definitely think being public and just being a poster child did come with its own struggles, definitely.

3) I say the taller the better. When i was younger, I did worry about getting too tall, but then I realized that being taller is beautiful, plenty of models are above six feet, and I say: WORK IT.


1 跟 David Bowie合作有什麼感覺? 特別他還是個前衛的雌雄莫辨始主。他是不是很酷?

2 雌雄莫辨的定位,讓妳對於向大眾公開妳的轉變,是否容易或更加困難?

3 我想要跨性這個念頭已經有一段時間了,妳的存在給了我很大的勇氣,但我覺得這件事會很困難,我有6'4" 的身高(*約193公分).我很有可能永遠都會面臨人們對我辨識上的困難,放在女性身上來說,這樣的身高真的很高,這對妳的雌雄莫辨和身分上有什麼影響?

謝謝妳,Andreja。妳是個激勵人心的存在! 迫不及待看到紀錄片的上映!還有,妳的 jewelry line 是如此的華麗。 x_X

1他真的酷斃了。是如此的實在。對我來說夢想成真。我還很小的時候,2000年時,雌雄莫辨這個icons還是顯而未見的,當我回顧過去,像David Bowie這樣的人,雌雄莫辨絕對是當時最炫的存在。他是個始主,讓夢成真。

2 我會說...公開跨性絕對不是最好的選擇。這伴隨很多困難,但如果你擁有個私人生活,這是可以克服的。 I definitely think being public and just being a poster child did come with its own struggles, definitely.

3 我會說高比較好。我還小的時候也擔心過自己會不會長太高了,但後來我意識到高個子是美麗的,許多模特都有6呎高,所以我會說:有何不好。

[–]dumbiedikes 416 指標 10  


What do you think people misunderstand most about transgender people today?

[–]AndrejaPejic[S] 922 指標 10  


I would say the fact that we are human beings like anyone else, and we strive to have happy and fulfilling lives, like anyone else. And that we are like everybody else.



[–]rileyk 66 指標 10  

Wonderful. I've been following your career for a long time, and I'm really glad to see you are as well spoken and as intelligent as I always imagined.

Thanks for being awesome.

[–]insomniaholic 109 指標 10  


She reminds me almost of Audrey Hepburn or Grace Kelly in the way she's just all class. She's just brilliant!

[–]AndrejaPejic[S] 178 指標 10  


Awww what an honor! :) xxx


她機乎要讓我想起了Audrey Hepburn和 Grace Kelly了,她就像個綜合體,是如此耀眼!

哇 太榮幸了! :)

[–]BouncingBuddha 218 指標 10  


What is your daily eyebrow maintenance routine? They look amazing!


[–]AndrejaPejic[S] 312 指標 10  


Thank you!

Well I don't mess with them TOO much because bushy eyebrows are very much in right now. I just have a beautician that cleans them up, every month I would say? But it's very minimal. The key is minimal.

妳怎麼維持妳的眉型? 它們看起來棒透了!


我不過度整理它們,畢竟濃眉是現在趨勢。我有一個美容師,我每個月都會去報到,整裡我的眉毛。 不要過度整理。秘訣就是小幅度的處理。

[–]cloudonshore 133 指標 10  


What is your orientation/what kind of people are you attracted to?


[–]AndrejaPejic[S] 258 指標 10  


I'm attracted to men for the most part, and I guess I like a variety.



[–]Frabjous_Alice 157 指標 10  


I have always thought you were so gorgeous. Question: I was born in Bosnia as well and have lived in the US since I was about 5. Can you talk about your experiences with your family/friends/Bosnians in general? Have you done any appearances with Bosnian TV, etc. and how did that work out?


[–]AndrejaPejic[S] 251 指標 10  


Well, I haven't actually done any appearances on Bosnian TV. I've done appearances on Serbian and Croatian TV, which is a similar area. And it's obviously, the Balkan region is very homophobic and transphobic, so I was definitely skeptical when I had to go there for a gig last year, but there are a lot of progressive people there, a really cool scene, and I think that there are open-minded people there just like anywhere else. About my childhood, I didn't have a lot of material things, it wasn't the easiest and we struggled a lot, but thanks to my mother and my grandmother, I had a pretty happy childhood.

我以為你一直都是光鮮亮麗。提問: 我自己是在波士尼亞出生,而我五歲時就到美國生活。你能否大至的說一下,關於你的家庭/朋友/波士尼亞的體驗經歷? 你有做任何跟波士尼亞電視台有關的工作嗎?是什麼的工作內容?


[–]markptp 244 指標 10  

Hi Andreja, another big fan of yours here. My question is what's your favourite childhood memory?


AndrejaPejic[S] 716 指標 10  


My favourite childhood memory is the first time I received a Barbie from a neighbor, because I kept begging my mom to buy me a Barbie, I never got one, so my neighbor donated one to me. So that was a nice.

你好,Andreja 我是你的另一個大粉絲。我的問題是,你最愛的童年回憶是什麼?


[–]CaliforniaDTS 236 指標 10  


During the period you were publicly identifying as androgynous, were you thinking of yourself internally as a woman? Was it hard to keep that a secret? (Apologies if question is intrusive. I am a previously-nonbinary-identifying transwoman and I've looked up to you for many years. So happy for how things have worked out for you, you are beautiful. <3)


[–]AndrejaPejic[S] 370 指標 10  


Thank you...I mean, i knew I was a woman from a young age. I definitely had fun with androgyny and having a non-binary career, but i knew what my internal truth was. There were definitely difficulties a lot of the time. I wanted to share my identity as a female but I wasn't able to. But I am so lucky, i still managed to do it, I am 23 now, and yeah... I think at the end of the day, you have to live a truthful life and be true to yourself, you have one life and everything has to fall into place around that.

過去的時間裡大眾將妳定位為雌雄莫辨,而妳清楚知道自己是位女性,妳是怎麼想的?懷抱這個秘密是否很辛苦? (如果這問題不恰當我感抱歉。我是位前無性者跨性別女性,我看著妳很多年了。很開心看到妳為自己找到的舒適,妳是如此美麗。<3)


[–]ironmaven 104 指標 10  


What goes on backstage that models may find is the norm but a regular lay person like myself would find unexpected? Was there anything that surprised you when you first entered the scene?
Thanks for doing this ama!


[–]AndrejaPejic[S] 275 指標 10  


You cannot have any sense of privacy, you can't be shy because half the time you are walking around in your underwear. You have to be okay with being felt up constantly by the makeup artists, by stylists, it's like being a doll. You can't have any feeling.




[–]Lunawinter 36 指標 10  


Hi Andreja! I was wondering, before you gained international recognition, what was one of the more amusing situations you've been in where someone had mistaken your gender?


[–]AndrejaPejic[S] 107 指標 10  


Oh yes, there have definitely been a few people confused about my gender. It happened a lot - I was lucky enough that I could always pass as a girl, if I dressed in my skinny jeans and my t-shirts, I had no problem, but if I tried to work in my McDonalds uniform it was more difficult to pass as a girl and people would be a lot more confused about my gender. And I think when people are confused, that's when you get the biggest reactions from them.

Hi Andreja! 我想知道妳在走上國際舞台前,有什麼因為有人誤會妳的性別而造成的可笑局面?

,肯定有不少人為我的性別感到疑惑過。這時常發生- 但我很幸運,我常被認為是個女孩。穿著牛仔褲和t-shirt都沒問題,不過當我在McDonalds打工穿著制服時,就比較難判斷了,很多人會對我的性別感到困惑。我認為,人們感到困惑時,就是我從那裡得到的最大反應了。

[–]kamil77 73 指標 10  


Can you describe your religious beliefs?

[–]AndrejaPejic[S] 375 指標 10  


I'm an atheist. I believe in the scientific view of life.



[–]sparky26 118 指標 10  



I've had a huge crush on you since forever. Are you available, and if so, could I take you on a date sometime?

Love and peace.


[–]AndrejaPejic[S] 221 指標 10  


I'm single and ready to mingle.. sure why not?

[–]sparky26 21 指標 10  


Are you planning on a visit to Minnesota anytime soon? If not, I'd gladly take you out dinner if you fly me out to meet you!


[–]AndrejaPejic[S] 41 指標 10  


Send me your passport # ;)




妳會很快造訪Minnesota嗎? 如果不會,我想與妳共進晚餐,如果妳真的飛來見我。

給我你的護照 # ;)

[–]mr_mrs 132 指標 10  


Hi Andreja! I've been following you on Twitter for a while and I have a couple questions:

1) A lot of people make their transition a very private issue, but it seems like you're going whole-hog on the publication of your transition. Why have you decided to make your transition public?

2) How do you feel about Tim Gunn's comment that you and other Transgender models should not be modeling women's clothes?

3) Since you have modeled on both sides of the theoretical gender binary, do you feel that one gender is objectified more in modelling, or do you think they are both objectified the same?

Thank you so much for your answers!



[–]AndrejaPejic[S] 219 指標 10  


1) Well, I think - for one reason was I felt I was well-positioned to share my story and my experience in the hopes that it would inspire others and there are hundreds of thousands of people who sort of hide their true identities every day of their lives, and my team and I just felt like this is a story that could reach a lot of these people and hopefully help. And obviously, I was already known in the media, so hiding my transition would have been very difficult and i felt there was no need. I could be proud of it. Obviously it is a very private thing, and I think it should always stay that way, but it's different when you are a public person.

2) Well, obviously I've expressed before that i am not thrilled with the comment. I think it comes from a place of misunderstanding.

3) Well, obviously womenswear is a bigger business, and marketing in womenswear is taken a lot more seriously than menswear. There's a lot more money on the line. Where there's money, there is more objectification too.

Hi Andreja 我關注妳的推特一段時間了,我有幾個問題:

1 很多人覺得跨性是件私密的事,但看起來妳似乎將公開這整段過程。什麼原因讓妳決定這麼做?

2 妳對Tim Gunn認為妳和其它跨性模特不該從事女裝工作有甚麼想法?

3 妳曾是無性別的藍本,妳會覺得單一性別對模特工作更能具像化,或者這是一樣沒有差別的?


1 我想- 我想其中一個原因是我覺得自己處在ㄧ個有利的位置,可以分享我的故事並希望這能激勵他人,以及那些每一天都活在隱藏自己真實麼樣的幾十萬人,還有我的工作夥伴,這讓我覺得分享自己的故事,可以給予幫助。很明顯的,無處不在的鏡頭,要隱藏我的轉變也會變得非常困難,而我自覺沒有必要,我為自己感到驕傲。當然,這是非常私人的事,我也認同隱藏這個選擇,不過當你的身分是個公眾人物時那就不一樣了。

2 很明顯我從來都不是個言詞激動的評論者。我認為這當中或許有什麼誤會。

3 很明顯的女裝的商業市場和銷量絕對高於男裝。有商機就有錢,事實當然也就更具體。

[–]Penelopepenelope 58 指標 10  


Hi! I just wanted to first say that you've been a big inspiration to me personally -- because as a boy I was always interested in makeup and clothes that were considered off-limits to men, but discovering you and seeing how you were accepted and not ostracized was a big moment for me to push forward in my own self-expression.

For a question: Are you going to be putting out more clothing items like you did with the shirts as part of the "Whatever" line? It shouldn't come as a surprise, but I've gotten more than enough "Wow! Who's that girl?" from it -- and have been happy to explain :)


[–]AndrejaPejic[S] 57 指標 10  


Yeah! One of the prizes that we have on our Kickstarter is a t-shirt designed by me and it will most likely have my face, so you go on the Kickstarter and pledge you will get the t-shirt. And thank you for being so supportive & spreading my name!

Hi 我想說妳是個很大的啟發,我個人-作為一個男孩,我感興趣的化妝品和服飾向來被視為男性禁地,但知道妳,也看到妳是如何被人接納,這對我來說是個很重要的時候,這鼓勵我表達自我。一個問題,妳會開發更多像"Whatever"系列的衣服嗎?這應該不讓人驚訝,但我從 "Wow! Who's that girl?"得到不少,而我總是樂於解釋:)

沒錯! Kickstarter的回饋中t-shirt是出自我的設計,可能會是我的臉孔,所以當你在Kickstarter支持時,我保證你會得到t-shirt。謝謝你的支持和傳送我的名字!


 [–]lumda 52 指標 10  






What are your views about gender fluidity and would you identify as gender fluid or transgendered?


[–]AndrejaPejic[S] 117 指標 10  


I identify as a transgender woman. I mean, my gendered identity is female, but I guess I've had a very gender-fluid career, and I've known what it's like to go through life sort of in-between genders. But I would say I definitely identify as a female.

你對 gender fluidity有什麼看法?而你對 gender fluidity 和跨性的認同性?

我認同自己是位跨性女性。我的意思是我的性別是女性,而我想我已經有過一段 gender fluidity 的職業經歷,很清楚知道活在兩性之間的感覺。但我會說,我絕對是位女性。

[–]Redwinevino 68 指標 10  


Hello Andreja,

With Laverne Cox and your own success do you think views are finally changing and people are starting to at least try and understand transgender people better? Also how was it meeting Bowie?

Thank you very much for doing this AMA


[–]AndrejaPejic[S] 120 指標 10  


I think people are slowly learning about what it really means to be transgendered. I think the more stories that are out there, the more that the struggle we face is given a human face. And I think attitudes are slowly changing, but there's a lot more that can be done.

And it was a dream come true. I mean, for me, he was definitely an inspiration and it was really cool to just talk to him.

你好阿 Andreja你跟的成功,是否混讓妳覺得情況逐漸不同了,人們是否比從前更家願意去理解跨性者?

與會面感覺如何阿? 謝謝你的回答。



[–]Bootleggy 102 指標 10  


Hi Andreja! I'm a big fan. What's the best advice you have ever received? love you mama!



[–]AndrejaPejic[S] 227 指標 10  


Don't complain, don't explain! Fashion gave me that advice. It's a work strategy. It just means that you kind of have to - when you're a model, you have to work hard and can't complain.



2019-5-24 Sunday Life

3、4月時,Andreja曾待在澳洲一段時間 當時也有看到分享一些拍攝中的影片,這個就是當時之一。