2012年11月1日 星期四

2012-10-17 可愛的時刻!

Best snap of the night of Andrej Pejic at DFW2012 press con! He’s as lovely as much as he is GORGEOUS!!!!!

at Singapore’s DFW Press Conference  -Pic from Ultras-maroc

After everyone else was gone, Andrej stuck around to load up on some Diet Coke and pose for moi! ;-)

Indifference: Last image at bottom: Best Diet Coke commercial ever!

Rana: "haha agree!!! that's my fav pic too! took it with my phone as we were leaving and there were some Diet Coke leftovers so he gladly took them! Love his attitude - so not Diva!"


她說,散場時桌上還有幾瓶Diet Coke,Andrej很開心的帶走。很喜歡他的態度,一點也不傲慢!

from http://www.bonjoursingapore.com/2012/10/digital-fashion-week-pictures-and-press.html#more



2019-5-24 Sunday Life

3、4月時,Andreja曾待在澳洲一段時間 當時也有看到分享一些拍攝中的影片,這個就是當時之一。