2012年9月30日 星期日

2012-9-24 Andrej Pejic 以想象力包围世界

Andrej Pejic 有性无性  
   “性别”在阐述男或女的时候,是个再普通不过的词儿,但当它的意义产生歧义时,总又带着几分令人畏惧、好奇的情愫。时装界的第三性文化早已不是什么新鲜事儿,而诸如电影《Hedwig and the Angry Inch》以及Pedro Almodóvar Caballero系列作品中异装女皇Drag Queen的时装灵感也被Jean Paul Gauliter、John Galliano这样的设计师陆续搬上舞台。在过去的数年间,我们接受了那些雌雄莫辨的偶像们如何在他们仍旧男性化的躯壳下展现比女性更妩媚性感的姿态、也仍旧好奇在两腿之间的性别符号驱使他们承受着怎样的生活,不过在面对Andrej Pejic时,你只会觉得,他(或者应该说是她?)和那些高个儿女模特没什么区别。


  Andrej Pejic:那只是关于我出道故事的无数个版本中的其中一个。实际上,我是在麦当劳打工时被发现的。


  Andrej Pejic:我出生在波黑一个单身母亲的家庭里,9岁迁往澳大利亚生活,家里还有一个哥哥。就像电影里讲的那样,生活在单身母亲家庭的日子很不容易,我们总要考虑到钱上的问题,不过好在我家还算和睦。


Andrej Pejic:我一直都是过着女人的生活,不过如果可以,我选择做个天使。


Andrej Pejic:是的,我从小就这样。可能在特别小的时候,大家还觉得像个芭比娃娃的男孩挺可爱的。但长大一些后就不一样了。比如说我哥哥,他和我完全是两个对立面,他是那种爱运动、爷们气的男生,他那时候都不怎么跟我玩。其他男生也会笑话我,不过好在女生们都很喜欢我,我有不少姐妹。


Andrej Pejic:他们很支持,甚至包括我的哥哥。


Andrej Pejic:暂时没有,我很满意现在的状态,男儿身女人相,我对我身体的状态也挺满意的。


Andrej Pejic:我大约在10岁时偷偷穿了一双Yves Saint Laurent的高跟鞋,那是我第一次感受到时装的无穷魅力。

M:还记得你第一次和Jean Paul Gaultier、John Galliano这样的设计师面试时的场景吗?他们看到你时如何反应?

Andrej Pejic:非常紧张,我的经纪人告诉我有一些非常重要的人需要我去见,我要如何如何给他们留下深刻印象。但说实话我当时吓坏了,我简直是手足无措。他们看到我时,很意外吧,毕竟我和别人都不太一样。

M:你现在几乎是Jean Paul Gaultier的招牌,你如何看待你们之间的关系?

Andrej Pejic:我一直是Jean Paul Gaultier的忠实拥护者,他也一直对我关爱有加,处处提携。有时候我想这就是缘分吧,他早在上世纪就提倡中性风格,而我又是他风格下的鲜活例子。

M:听说你的偶像是Boy George和马克思,为何你的偶像会有如此之大的区别?
Andrej Pejic:我迷恋Boy George的音乐、穿衣风格和他的特立独行。至于马克思嘛,我从青春期就开始读他的著作,我十分赞同他的观点和他所营造的理想社会,你可以说我是个社会主义者。


Andrej Pejic:当然!现在中国是全球的焦点,这里的经济、文化都受到重视,我很希望有机会能畅游这个国家。



Andrej Pejic:我试着不去那么强迫我自己,然后将重心放到现在所做的工作上。时尚界有时候不是个对身心有益的行业,所以面对现在,我是今朝有酒今朝醉,而至于以后,我控制不了,只能努力吧!



Andrej Pejic:尽可能能做多久就做多久吧,直到这个行业不要我了。我对其他相关行业也持开放的态度,比如说电影或者电视节目之类的。



Andrej Pejic:回家种田吧,哈哈,我还是很喜欢澳大利亚的村野的,要不就安心去念书。



Andrej Pejic:平等在时尚界是个遥不可及的梦想,我想如果能把话语权分享给更多的人,让才华去说话,而不是依靠在纯粹的金钱和权势交易中,或许能让这个行业更健康积极。



Andrej Pejic:可能和大家想象的不太一样,我和男模们的合作反倒更轻松,他们不觉得我们彼此之间有什么巨大的竞争性。但和女模在一起就有点不同,她们挺在意我的举动,可能女模的压力更大,也更容易生嫉妒心吧。


M:除了Jean Paul Gaultier外,你最喜欢的设计师是谁?

Andrej Pejic:Alexander McQueen。


M:那你如何看待Sarah Burton?Marc Jacobs怎么样?他最近又穿了一套蕾丝睡袍真空上阵了。

Andrej Pejic:Sarah Burton的作品非常符合Alexander McQueen生前的风格,又加入了很柔美的女性风格。至于Marc Jacobs嘛,我想他和Tom Ford是一样的,他们所营造的个人形象和品牌形象非常重要。我之前也拍过他自己品牌的广告,不过我更想能拍个Louis Vuitton的。



Andrej Pejic:我觉得我的确该看看心理医生了,太多的想法围绕在我脑海了。特别是当你有了野心的时候,就很难保持冷静。



Andrej Pejic:名声的确带给我和我的家人好的生活,但我在一定程度上失去了自由。我现在住在纽约,我从那里飞往全球各个地方,但是我并不自由。

奇客时尚网www.hi-chic.com 独家稿件,转载请注明来源

2012年9月15日 星期六

2012-9 Pouty lips


from damon_baker instagram

2012-2 Inedito Andrej: a Melbourne con la mamma

Si può essere una icona mondiale e mantenere i piedi per terra. Lo dimostra Andrej Pejic che proprio mentre il mondo fashion parla del suo contratto appena firmato con Jean Paul Gaultier, come testimonial mondiale del profumo per uomo Kocorico, è volato a casa a Melbourne per trascorrere qualche giorno in famiglia.
Andrej è da mesi il modello più richiesto grazie al suo look che scavalca i generi: infatti è il primo nella storia a sfilare sia per le collezioni maschili che per quelle femminili, adorato da stilisti come Gaultier appunto, Marc Jacobs e dalle riviste patinate. Giocando sulla sua ambiguità Andrej ha infranto le regole del business ottenendo un immenso successo e ora per questa campagna beauty segretissima non si sa se indosserà abiti maschili o femminili.

Ma malgrado il successo e i soldi Andrej non dimenticando le sue origini. Nato in Bosnia, durante la guerra ha vissuto con la madre Jadranka, che è serba, la nonna e il fratello in un campo profughi vicino a Belgrado.

Dopo i bombardamenti della Nato la madre decise di chiedere lo status di rifugiati politici a Melbourne, in Australia, e dagli otto anni Andrej ha sempre vissuto lì. E oggi che è sempre in giro per il mondo torna regolarmente dalla madre e dalla nonna alle quali è legatissimo.
(Foto Splashnews)

from http://d.repubblica.it/argomenti/2012/02/23/foto/andrej_pejic_androgino-869042/1/#media

2011-12-17 I'm a celebrity, get me into the race!

MAN of the moment Andrej Pejic wants to move in to the very fast lane.

Pejic, one of the world's most in demand male models who is famed for his gender bending image, wants to put the pedal to the metal on the Grand Prix circuit in March.

"I really want the Australian Grand Prix to ask me to do the celebrity race," Pejic said yesterday."Unfortunately I only have my learners, but maybe my mum can sit next to me."

With a bit of driver training by the Grand Prix gurus, there's no doubt Pejic could whiz around the Albert Park circuit with the actors, presenters and sporting types that usually get a drive in the popular celebrity race.Pejic, who sent fashion circles into a spin after his campaign for a Danish lingerie company was released last week, has a number of diverse ambitions for the new year.

"I really hope to get a one-way ticket to Bollywood," he said, hinting at acting plans.

"I'm wanting to branch out - become a business person, enjoy the world for hopefully one more year before it descends into chaos. And I want to look at opportunities to come home (to Melbourne) more."

Pejic, whose fragile beauty and feminine ways have seen him appear as a bride on the catwalks of Paris and wear a pencil skirt to meet the Queen at Buckingham Palace, won't be Down Under for Christmas.

Rather, the star of the Chadwick models team, will spend the festive season and New Year's in Rio de Janeiro.


2011-5-6 Andrej Pejic (Bosnia & Herzegovina) at the Nicolas Pol exhibit in John Paul Gaultier

top -- Jean Paul Gaultier
shoes -- by Comme des Garçons

Andrej Pejic (Bosnia) from DNA, NY stands in front of a work of art by Nicolas Pol at a show on Thursday night where Carine Restoin-Roitfeld, Giovanna Battaglia, and Julia Von Boehm were in attendance.

Andrej was recently noted as "FHM's 100 Sexiest Women in the World 2011" falling in at #98, ahead of stylist Nicola Formichetti's Lady Gaga (#99) and just one rank behind Bar Rafaeli.

He has been shot by Steven Meisel, walked the runway for Jean Paul Gaultier women's wear, and is largely credited, alongside Givenchy's Lea T, with spearheading the modeling industry's micro trend towards androgyny.

from http://altamiranyc.blogspot.tw/2011/05/andrej-pejic-bosnia-herzegovina-at.html

2011-1-10 Andrej Pejic: Fashion New Gender Bender

And that he wasn’t just anybody. He was Andrej Pejic, a 19-year-old male model who has taken the fashion industry by storm. He has Cindy Crawford’s face and Kate Moss’ body—give or take a few parts. He debuted in Jean-Paul Gaultier’s Paris show year, and since then has appeared in three consecutive spreads in French Vogue, Italian Vogue, and Turkish Vogue. Last week, he was unveiled as the face of Marc Jacobs’ spring 2011 campaign and will appear in Gaultier’s spring ads alongside his female doppelganger—the supermodel Karolina Kurkova. According to sources, he is on the top of every casting agent’s list for the men’s shows, which begin in Paris next week.

Pejic is part of fashion’s new “femiman” trend, the latest in a new crop of gender-bending models who have risen to prominence in the past few seasons. The most famous is Lea T, Riccardo Tisci’s transgender assistant at Givenchy, whom he cast as the face of his Fall/Winter campaign. Fashion has embraced the transsexual model—but Pejic stands for something larger, and is not just the face of a passing trend or a controversial ad campaign. He’s the leader of a new gender fluidity in fashion, in which traditional male and female attitudes are starting to matter less. It’s a message that is being slowly adapted industry-wide—and is resonating with consumers.

Pejic and his family fled Bosnia for Serbia when he was 2 months old. He remembers the NATO bombings of Yugoslavia as a child. At age 8, his family left for Australia, where they settled in Broadmeadows, a rough neighborhood in the suburbs of Melbourne.

Pejic says he knew he looked like a girl from the minute he “came out of the womb and looked in a mirror.” His transition to Australia was a difficult one, as he was forced to learn English and integrate with students who weren’t like him. But Pejic insists that for all his physical differences, he was never bullied by his peers—and instead felt only the he was the subject of “curiosity and attention.” “A lot of macho guys did think of me as a girl,” he says of his high school years. “Though I can’t really say that it was ever a bad thing. All I’ll say is…a lot of free drinks!”

Gallery: Fashion Model Andrej Pejic

In many ways, his career has been just that: capitalizing on curiosity. In 2009, Pejic found his way to Chadwick Models in Melbourne, where he was interviewed and instantly signed.

“I knew at the time we had someone potentially very big on our hands,” says Matthew Anderson, manager of Chadwick’s Melbourne office. Even in telling the story of Pejic, Anderson sets it against the backdrop of the global economic crisis—a kid who happened to be in the right place at the right time. He says that Pejic came to the agency in the middle of the meltdown, a time when fashion advertisers wanted “strong men” to convey a message of financial security. “In times of economic prosperity, clients can afford to use people that are using people that a little more interesting,” Anderson says. “We had this really interesting boy on our hands. So we thought let him finish high school first.”

They waited for the economy to recover, and for Pejic to graduate, before sending him to Paris in the middle of 2010. Not long after, Pejic was booked to walk in Jean-Paul Gaultier’s Fall show, where he wore a pair of revealing navy blue hot pants. He was spotted by French’s Vogue’s then-editor, Carine Roitfeld, who promptly booked him for a spread in her magazine.
Since then, Pejic has appeared in a slew of editorials, from Italian Vogue to the transgender magazine Candy. His slate is filling up quickly for the upcoming season, but according to Arnaud V., his booker at the New Madison agency in Paris, “some designers are a little scared to go for this image of very androgynous. Some people aren’t ready for him yet.”

Pejic makes an effort to return to regularly visit his parents in Australia, where his mother is a teacher and his father works in tourism. “I would love to bring my mum to see me in shows and travel Europe with me because she has done so, so much for me,” he says. Pejic says he’d like to study law, medicine, or economics at university one day, and also wants to “do a movie and then retire.”

Pejic declined to answer a question asking whether he identified as LGBTQ—and, when asked if he has a boyfriend or a girlfriend, responded: “I have Paris and I have dessert wine.” When he dresses himself, Pejic occasionally chooses to wear heels and makeup.

“I like to dress up but I’m not so concerned with looking very sexy, it’s really more the art of dressing,” he says.

He has not had any kind of surgery—but wouldn’t rule it out.

“I’ve never had any operations,” he says. “I’m not opposed to any plastic surgery, but until now I haven’t had any.” When asked by a Serbian news station if she has a granddaughter or a grandson, Pejic’s grandmother simply laughs: “I have both!”

If this is Pejic’s moment, it’s certainly well-timed. The fashion industry is warming to gender neutrality, and transsexual models and spreads are finding their way into the mainstream. Last month, The New York Times said that “2010 will be remembered as the year of the transsexual.” For Pejic’s part, this translates to steady work. For one thing, he can be cast in editorials and ads as either a woman or a man.
But his treatment in print is often a case of art-without-a-frame. Marc Jacobs’ recent campaign featured him in men’s clothes, but Pejic usually appears in women’s apparel—sometimes, without any evidence that he’s really a guy. Often, he’s fully disguised as a woman, and the statement eludes the reader. So what’s the point?

“We were trying to show the nudity of the sexes, that a man could look like a woman and a woman could look like a man,” says Turkish Vogue’s editor in chief, Seda Dominic, who chose him for a spread. “The line between the sexes is becoming more and more blurred. Fashion is all about providing people with choices. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman.”

Pejic is being revered by the fashion industry, but it’s clear that something about him is sticking with the general public, as well. He’s developed a large online following, and there are a number of fan sites dedicated to him. A three-month-old blog called Fuck Yeah Andrej Pejic is run by Carla Mendoza, a 17-year-old who follows Pejic’s exploits in Tokyo and Paris from her home in Canada.

“Andrej knows people are not quite comfortable in what he does and he still does it,” says Mendoza.

“He affects my perspective of how I think of myself, and my self-esteem, by the way he deals with criticisms in his work. I’m a woman. But because of him, he inspires me to be more feminine myself. If a guy can be more beautiful, I can be more beautiful too.”

According to Elias Bailey, who runs a similar blog called Fuck Yeah Men With Long Hair, Pejic’s surge in popularity sends a hopeful message that beauty is moving beyond gender classifications.
“I don’t see him as merely a boy who looks kind of like a girl, but as someone whose physical sex is truly of no consequence to his beauty,” he says.  “I really do hope that this trend signals a real shift in the way that people think about androgyny. For those of us who are androgynous and ordinary people, not models or rock stars, it’d be nice if people started being more tolerant of us.”


2019-5-24 Sunday Life

3、4月時,Andreja曾待在澳洲一段時間 當時也有看到分享一些拍攝中的影片,這個就是當時之一。