2012年1月21日 星期六

2011-3-30 "Guess who I am under the dress" - Vanity Fair Italy issue #12✍

By Carla Bardelli
Pics: Julian Hargreaves

A living mystery, that that not even (he? her?) knows how to reveal, shake the world of the Parisian fashion.
A creature with pale skin, with a hint of breast, delicate features and male's name, has created astonishment
when he appeared, dress like a bride, at Jean-Paul Gaultier's fashion show few weeks ago. Meanwhile,
in other catwalks, he walk for menswear.

像活生生的謎題,無法確定的(他?她?)撼動了巴黎時裝界。白皙的皮膚,微微起伏的胸型,精緻的五官和男性的名字,幾個星期前當他打扮成新娘出現在Jean-Paul Gaultier的秀上,帶來了驚奇感。同時,他也出現在男裝秀上。

"The most beautiful bride i ever seen" has said his mother on YouTube. "As a child he used my make up,
he wore my heels. I had never imagined that he would do so much career."

You see Andrej Pejic in a Parisian photo studio and you start to feel a morbid curiosity. But Andrej is impenetrable.

He change clothes behind a mirror, he avoids the intimacy that is created on the set.
When the lunch break arrived, he came close. "Let's do the interview while eating, i'm starving. I want some pasta."
Having been born in Bosnia, and grew up in Melbourne, he can not know that what they bring us - overcooked spaghetti
floating in a sea of cream with smoked salmon that tastes like salt cod - is a terrible thing.
"Very Good" say Andrej. "I would come in Milan for two things: Dolce & Gabbana and the food." 

"這是我見過最美的新娘"來自YOUTUBE影片中他的母親說到。"他還小的時候就會使用我的化妝品。穿我的高跟鞋。我從沒想過他能有這樣的工作可能。"你看著Andrej Pejic在巴黎工作室的照片,你會升起一點病態的好奇心。但Andrej是令人費解的。

他在更衣室裡換裝保留隱私。午休時間他過來。"我們邊吃邊採訪吧,我餓死了,我想來點義大利麵。"在波士尼亞出生,在澳洲長大。他不知道將會帶來什麼給我們-煮過頭的麵條伴隨奶油煙燻鮭魚,嚐起來像是鱈魚-有點可怕的食物。"還不錯啊"Andrej說"我來米蘭只為了兩件事:Dolce & Gabbana和美食。"

How can you be so ethereal, eating pasta like this?
"I do sport."

你如何保持身形? 吃義大利麵這類食物嗎?

Why do you think that your character is so fascinating?
"We live in a boring era, people have no desire to experiment. Maybe I break the mold. I'm different and I am committed to cutivating my uniqueness, since i was lucky to enter in a world that gave me the right tools to transform myself."


Androgynous, transsexual: these are terms that often occur when it comes to Andrej Pejic. And you, how would you define yourself?
"If we talk about sexual orientation, i'll say that love has no boundaries. Actually I'm single: I think I'm not particularly attracted by sex, even if i believe in feelings. Instead, if we talk about gender, i'm very comfortable with the ambiguity that i'm representing. I realize that
I'm really feminine, not only in my aspect, but in my way of being too. 

雌雄莫辨,跨性:談論到Andrej Pejic時經常伴隨這兩個詞彙。你如何定義自己?

Can you tell me your life?
"I was born in Bosnia, 2 months before the war has started, from a croatian father and a bosnian mother. When i was 8 i left, with my brother, my mother and my grandmother, for the Australia. My father has never join us here. Now he live in Croatia. He was an economist, now he's unemployed from years. Mom was an advocate but, in Melbourne, she has become and High School Teacher."


She was never being opposed to your desire to express yourself in such original way?
"Mom is ahead: she loves her kids so much that she accept everything that them want or can be. Now is my passionate fan. Even my brother Igor, who is 21, heterosexual and studying Civil Engineering, is very supportive. 


Who do you admire as a kid?
"David Bowie, Amanda Lear, Boy George, even Salvador Dalì, Madonna: were the 80s and the strangeness didn't make people raise an eyebrow lik now. "

David Bowie, Amanda Lear, Boy George, Salvador Dalì, Madonna,80年代和奇異感是現在人們缺乏的新意。

Did the ambiguity always had been an inspiration for you?
"I think so, even if i wasn't conscious of that. When it came the adolescence i couldn't hide myself anymore, and my body wasn't helping: i never had pimples, my voice was still feminine, i liked to dress up and i started to bleach my hair."


And the beard? How did you make it disappear, like all of your body hair?
"I'm not against cosmetic surgery and the little tricks that womans use to improve their physical appearance."

那鬍子呢? 你是怎麼處理的,像處理體毛一樣嗎?

You said you believe in love. Have you ever find it? Did you had partners?
"Yes, of course. But i'm not sure if i was in love. Being with someone is beautiful when you fully engage to it and i'm an autonomous person, someone that is not able to love completely." 

你說過你相信愛情。你有找到嗎? 有過那個對象嗎?

Maybe you had a lover in high school?
"Yes, but don't ask me if it was a boy or a girl, because i've already say that, for me, love has no boundaries. And I've to confess that I really enjoy to raise all this interest, so i will not tell you which side i am. Even because, actually, i don't know it too."




2019-5-24 Sunday Life

3、4月時,Andreja曾待在澳洲一段時間 當時也有看到分享一些拍攝中的影片,這個就是當時之一。